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The Fun and Exciting World of AR VERBS!!!! Spanish 1.

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Presentation on theme: "The Fun and Exciting World of AR VERBS!!!! Spanish 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Fun and Exciting World of AR VERBS!!!! Spanish 1

2 4520 That’s how many new simple sentences you will be able to say by the end of the lesson. 36 new verbs 10 subject pronoun meanings 3 English translations Now negate them all Total = 4520 new sentences

3 What is an infinitive? An infinitive is a verb that has NOT been conjugated yet. An infinitive expresses action –To dance –To eat –To live –To go

4 4 Categories of Spanish Infinitives AR VerbBAILAR – to dance ER VerbsCOMER – to eat IR VerbsVIVIR – to live Irregular VerbsSER – to be

5 We call AR, ER, and IR verbs “regular” because they all follow a pattern in their conjugated forms.

6 The Conjugation of an - AR verb in the Present tense. Whenever we conjugate a verb, we set up our conjugation with our subject pronouns. YoNosotros T ú Vosotros É lEllos EllaEllas UdUds

7 The Steps to the Conjugation of an AR verb in the Present tense. 1.Select an AR Verb (bailar) 2. Chop off the AR. You are left with the stem of the verb (bail-) 3. Rewrite the stem next to all of the subject pronouns. 4. Add the appropriate endings to the stem.

8 Bailar – to dance Yo Tu El Ella Usted Nosotros Vosotros Ellos Ellas Ustedes bail o as a amos ais an

9 So…What does this mean? Yo bailo I dance. I am dancing. I do dance. Nosotros bailamos We dance. We are dancing. We do dance. Tu bailas You dance. You are dancing. You do dance. Vosotros bailais You dance. You are dancing. You do dance. El (Ella) baila He/she dances. He/she is dancing. He/ she does dance. Ellos / Ellas bailan They dance. They are dancing. They do dance. Usted baila You dance. You are dancing. You do dance. Ustedes bailan You dance. You are dancing. You do dance.

10 Practicamos!!! Cantar = to sing

11 What do you think these infinitives mean?

12 More Common Infinitives

13 I Can’t Take It…More Common AR Verbs.

14 La Tarea Pick 10 AR verbs and conjugate them in your notebooks!

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