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Aeronautics The design and construction of aircraft.

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Presentation on theme: "Aeronautics The design and construction of aircraft."— Presentation transcript:

1 aeronautics The design and construction of aircraft

2 applicant A person who requests employment or acceptance

3 astronaut A person trained to fly in a spacecraft

4 demonstrate To show clearly

5 laboratory A room or building equipped for scientific research or experiments

6 methodically In a careful, orderly way

7 physics The science of matter and energy and of how they relate to one another

8 qualifications A skill or other trait that suits a person for a particular job or activity

9 rocketry The science of designing, building, and flying rockets

10 simulate To pretend in an imitation of something

11 income money received for labor or services

12 rectify to set right; to correct

13 plight a situation of difficulty or peril

14 satellite any of various objects launched to orbit Earth

15 soliciting seeking to obtain

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