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Wireless Slates - An Introduction Wade Andersen Heartland AEA 11.

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Presentation on theme: "Wireless Slates - An Introduction Wade Andersen Heartland AEA 11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wireless Slates - An Introduction Wade Andersen Heartland AEA 11

2 Do You Want Your Students... To be on task To be motivated To show academic progress To interact with each other appropriately

3 What are they? A portable mouse for your computer If the interactive white board is a big mouse for your computer, then the slate or tablet is a little one.

4 Why use a slate? Can get several slates for price of one interactive white board. Never turn your back on students - wander the room. No more “Blinded by the Light” Interactive - get students involved. Research

5 How Can I Use a Slate A slate can be like having an interactive white board in the classroom without having the interactive white board in the classroom One drawback - the ability to use your finger to write. 2 modes - computer controller and notebook mode.

6 Who has them? Ankeny Schools Ames St. Cecilia School Anyone else Tell your good news or horror story - let’s put it on the table.

7 Many flavors I am not trying to sell you anything - just showing you a possibility Go to the vendors today and you will see many different brands. Ask to demo them if possible so that you can see if a particular one meets your need.

8 It does take practice! Kids and game controllers - no problem Adults - it all depends.

9 Any questions? OK - enough PowerPoint and more demo - you may try it, too. Take turns! No trees were killed for this presentation - go to and click on the link entitled Smart Board and Wireless Slate Resources

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