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Latitude and Longitude

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Presentation on theme: "Latitude and Longitude"— Presentation transcript:

1 Latitude and Longitude

2 If the Earth were flat, we could treat a map like a graph and use co-ordinates to find and mark places But its not, the Earth is a giant ball

3 Lines of Latitude EQUATOR – an imaginary line that divides the earth into 2 equal parts (Northern and Southern hemispheres) Lines of latitude are imaginary lines They go around the Earth sideways The equator is the starting point for latitude lines

4 Measure the distance North and South of the Equator
Lines of latitude are drawn around the Earth, parallel to the Equator Lines of latitude never touch or run into each other Lines of latitude are 111 km apart Lines of latitude are used as political boundaries (they make the borders for countries and provinces                          

5 Lines of Longitude PRIME MERIDIAN – an imaginary line that divides the earth into 2 equal parts (Eastern and Western hemispheres) Lines of longitude are imaginary lines The Prime Meridian is the starting point for longitude lines The International Date Line is 180 meridian

6 They measure the distance east and West of the Prime Meridian
Lines of latitude are drawn from the North Pole to the South Pole Lines of latitude converge (meet) at the North and South poles Longitude lines are longer than latitude lines Lines are used to determine time zones                 

7 ABSOLUTE LOCATION – the location of a point on the Earth using latitude and longitude lines
Using latitude and longitude grid we can pinpoint any place on the Earth. This location is specified by a series of numbers, degree, minutes, and seconds N

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