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BPE REDEMPTION PROGRAMS Box Tops for Education Labels for Education Tyson Project A+ My Coke Rewards Kellogg’s Family Rewards.

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Presentation on theme: "BPE REDEMPTION PROGRAMS Box Tops for Education Labels for Education Tyson Project A+ My Coke Rewards Kellogg’s Family Rewards."— Presentation transcript:

1 BPE REDEMPTION PROGRAMS Box Tops for Education Labels for Education Tyson Project A+ My Coke Rewards Kellogg’s Family Rewards

2 The Plan… Wrap my head around all the programs and come up with a plan. (Working on it!) Update PTA webpage (completed)completed Box Tops Helpers meeting Create something for morning announcements. Create some excitement for collecting and show what their collecting enables the PTA to buy for the school. First contest ends Wednesday, Oct 21 st. Mail in Box Tops before November 2 nd. Aim to announce winners on the morning announcements and give prizes Friday, Oct 30 th. Take photos of winners and classes. Get wall space to put the pictures up. Would love a helper for this. Have winners on the announcements late November stating when the next contest ends.

3 The Plan Continued… Mid December collect Box Tops as many may expire end of year. Those will be counted and sent in. Totals will be added into the next contest. Second contest ends Wednesday, Feb 17 th. Announce winners on morning announcements 1 week after. Take photos of winners and classes. Put up the photos on the wall. Have winners on the announcements late March stating when the next contest ends. Third contest ends Wednesday, May 4 th. Announce winners on morning announcements 1 week after. Take photos of winners and classes. Put up the photos on the wall.

4 Once more… Contest Dates… Wednesday, Oct 21 st Counting party at Cortez house Friday, Oct 23 rd. Wednesday, Feb 17 th Counting party at Cortez house Friday, Feb 19th. Wednesday, May 4 th Counting party at Cortez house Friday, May 6th.

5 The Contests and Prizes… October Contest: Top 10 students in the school will receive Spring Carnival wrist bands in the future, a charm and a treat from a Box Tops or Labels for Education brand. Photos taken for the wall. Top 10 students per grade will have lunch with a BPE staff member, receive a charm and a treat from a Box Tops or Labels for Education brand. Photos taken for the wall. Classroom with the most student participation will get the trophy and a tiny treat, with bragging rights and a picture for the wall. All announced on morning announcements.

6 The Contests and Prizes… February Contest: Top 10 students in the school will receive Spring Carnival wrist bands, a charm and a treat from a Box Tops or Labels for Education brand. Photos taken for the wall. Top 10 students per grade will have lunch with a BPE staff member, receive a charm and a treat from a Box Tops or Labels for Education brand. Photos taken for the wall. Classroom with the most student participation will get the trophy and a tiny treat, with bragging rights and a picture for the wall. All announced on morning announcements.

7 The Contests and Prizes… May Contest: Top 10 students in the school will receive Wellness Day T-Shirts, a charm and a treat from a Box Tops or Labels for Education brand. Photos taken for the wall. Top 10 students per grade will have lunch with a BPE staff member, receive a charm and a treat from a Box Tops or Labels for Education brand. Photos taken for the wall. Classroom with the most student participation will get the trophy and a tiny treat, with bragging rights and a picture for the wall. All announced on morning announcements.

8 Box Tops for Education clip and collect, check expiration dates, send in to class counted as is: 1 point = $0.10; 10 points = $1

9 Labels for Education clip UPC codes and collect bottle caps, send in to class counted as is: 1, 2 or 5 points; 100 points = $1 no expiration date

10 Tyson Project A+ clip out the label and collect. 3 different types of labels, all count. Send in to class. counted as is: worth 24 cents each; 5 = $1

11 My Coke Rewards collect codes found under the caps. Enter them online or send in to the class. donate points directly to the school. Print proof of donation and send in to the class. 3, 5, 10 or 20 points; 67 points = $1

12 Kellogg’s Family Rewards codes phasing out in boxes, if you have a code, add online. moving to all online - upload your receipt on computer, smartphone or by text message. No app yet. donate points to the school, print proof counted as is: 1800 points = $1

13 How to Collect… You will be prompted from myself and you will see announcements in the BPE PTA Newsletter. Some prefer to collect once a month to spread out the workload Most importantly we need students’ name and homeroom teacher on the Ziploc when sent in to the class.

14 Once collected what happens? Bring collected labels to the counting party or count on your own. Box Tops for Education (Video)Video Labels for Education: sort by point value, count and record Tyson Project A+: bundle together, count and record My Coke Rewards: bundle together print outs or start adding in on- line on behalf of student. There are middle school students that need hours that we could give this to. Record. Kellogg’s Family Rewards: Enter codes online and print proof, or bundle together print outs already completed by students parent. Record. The spreadsheet to record your results will be emailed out shortly. Put all of the above together in a large bag, including spreadsheet, label with the teachers name and place in the clear bin in the PTA room.

15 Introducing Shoparoo! Possibly the easiest, quickest way to help raise money for the school. Download the App to your smart phone, choose our school and start snapping pictures of all your receipts! (except gasoline) Shoparoo gets shopping habit information and BPE gets a donation! Shoparoo

16 Shout Out for Pull Tabs… Collect ALUMINUM only pull tabs from soda cans and add to bin in Kinder Commons area. Just for charity but such a good cause! Will take to Ronald McDonald House at the end of the school year.

17 Above the Call… Encourage Grandparents, Family and Friends to collect too!

18 Do not hesitate to ask questions! And…

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