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Long and Short term effects of exercise

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Presentation on theme: "Long and Short term effects of exercise"— Presentation transcript:

1 Long and Short term effects of exercise

2 Short term effects List as many short term effects of exercise/training on the body you can think of. Can they be grouped? (respiratory,circulatory)

3 Short term effects Circulatory Respiratory Skin colour changes
Blood moved to surface for heat reduction- Vasodilatation Blood moved to working muscles Heart rate increases Stroke volume increases Cardiac output increases Water lost through sweat Arteries widen to allow more blood through Respiratory Tidal volume increases Breathing rate increases and becomes deeper- aerobic respiration Blood flow to areas not in use is reduced Muscles begin to fatigue Gaseous exchange becomes more efficient as more alveoli are used. Energy released- Glycogen in liver and muscles is released

4 Long term effects of Exercise/Training
List as many long term effects of exercise/training on the body you can think of. Can they be grouped? (respiratory, circulatory, muscular) Can you also write down which method of training might be best at bringing about this change?

5 Long term effects Circulatory Heart strengthen
Increase in heart wall size Resting stroke volume increases Resting Cardiac output increases Resting heart rate decreases Recovery rate is reduced Decrease in blood pressure Respiratory Gaseous exchange becomes more efficient- increased ability to carry O2 Muscle fatigue happens later Vital capacity is increased Capillarisation of alveoli

6 Long term effects Muscles strength is increased –
Hypertrophy= Increase in muscle size because of exercise Atrophy= Reduction in muscle size because of lack of exercise Muscular endurance is increased Increased tolerance of lactic acid Body fat % is reduced Reduced likelihood of respiratory problems Reduced likelihood of heart disease Increase in tendon ligament and bone strength.

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