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Upper Respiratory Tract Disorder Lecture 2 12/14/20151.

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1 Upper Respiratory Tract Disorder Lecture 2 12/14/20151

2 Upper respiratory tract infection is the most common reason for absenteeism worldwide Most of the upper respiratory tract infection is viral ( 90%) Most of the upper respiratory tract infection are self limiting 12/14/20152

3 Rhinitis Inflammation and irritation of the mucous membrane of the nose. The disease can be acute or chronic, allergic or nonallergic The most common cause is common cold Other causes include over use of nasal decongestants, deviated septum, and hormonal changes. 12/14/20153

4 Rhinitis Management Antihistamin such as diphenhydramin Saline nasal spray Ipratropium (Atrovent) inhalation 12/14/20154

5 Viral Rhinitis The most frequent infection in the world More than 200 viruses can cause rhinitis The most common virus is Rhinovirus, influensa and parainfluensa Self limiting infection caise by virus Afebrile ( no fever), infectious, acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. Usually patient has nasal congestion. Rhinorrhea, sneezing, sorethroat and general malaise Despite popular beliefs exposure to cold weather don’t increase the incidence or severity of the disease clinical manifestations include nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, nasal discharge, sneezing 12/14/20155

6 Viral Rhinitis Management Increase fluid intake, bed rest Use expectorant ( helps to clear seputum ) Warm salt water gurgle Aspirin and ibuprofen 12/14/20156

7 Acute sinusitis Infection of the mucous membrane that line the paranasal sinus. Can be acute,subacute, chronic or allergic During infection if the passage between the sinus and the nose is clear the infection resolve easily but if there is obstruction by tumor or septum deviation the case become complicated Becterial infection account for 60% of the cases :Streptococcus pneumonia, Haimophilus influenzae, and streptococcus pyogenes. Are the most frequent. 12/14/20157

8 Acute sinusitis Clinical manifestations Facial pain or pressure over the affected sinus Nasal obstruction Fatigue Fever and headach Ear pain and sense of fullness Comnplications : if sinusitis not treated may lead to meningitis, abscess and osteomyelitis Management : antibiotisc, dacongestants, Saline irrigation 12/14/20158

9 Acute Pharyngitis Is sudden inflammation of pharynx More common in Childs ate age 5-15 years old mostly cause by viral infection such as adenovirus, influenza virus, Epstein Barr virus and herbes simplex Bacteria is less common cause and include streptococcus, H. influenzae Clinical manifestations: sore throat, fever, red pharynx Management: antibiotics, aspirin, antitussive medication( relieve cough) such as codeine 12/14/20159

10 Tonsilitis and Adenoiditis Lymphatic tissue situated in each side of oropharynx The adenois are the tonsils of the nasopharynx Adenoditis and tonsilitis are most commonly caused by streptococcus Clinical manifestations: fever, sore throat, snoring difficulty swallowing. Infection may spread to the middle ear through eustachian tube and cause otitis media 12/14/201510

11 Tonsilitis and Adenoiditis Management Increase fluid Analgesic Salt water regurgitation Rest Penicillin in case of bacterial infection 12/14/201511

12 Laryngitis Inflammation of larynx May be caused by bacterial or viral infection however non infectious causes are common such as abuse of voice, or exposure to dust Clinical manifestations: Hoarsness ( harsh voice) Aphonia: complete loss of voice Sever cough worsens by cold and relieved by warm climate Management Rest the voice, antibiotics, corticosteroid 12/14/201512

13 Nursing process 12/14/201513

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