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The Intercultural Management Nicolas Chaussonnière Jérémie Dalibot

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1 The Intercultural Management Nicolas Chaussonnière Jérémie Dalibot
Germain Poirier Cyril Tournier

2 Geert Hofstede criteria
The Intercultural Management Introduction The concept of Culture Geert Hofstede criteria Trompaars’ approach Conclusion Definition Manage people according to their cultural differences The founders Hofstede Trompenaars Kluckhorn-Strodtbeck

3 Geert Hofstede’s criteria
The Intercultural Management Introduction The concept of culture Geert Hofstede’s criteria Trompaars’ approach Conclusion “ Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one human group from another. “ Geert Hofstede Characteristics The culture is acquired The culture is interrelated The culture is shared

4 Geert Hofstede’s criteria
The Intercultural Management Introduction The concept of culture Geert Hofstede’s criteria Trompaars’ approach Conclusion The levels of culture National Culture Industrial and Business Culture Organizational Culture Individual behavior

5 The Intercultural Management
Introduction The concept of culture Geert Hofstede’s criteria Trompaars’ approach Conclusion The cultures have visible and invisible aspects Visible Invisible Body language Family values Dress code Role of the sexes Way of life Friendly pattern Gastronomical customs Geert Hostede’s researches

6 Geert Hofstede’s criteria
The Intercultural Management Introduction The concept of Culture Geert Hofstede’s criteria Trompaars’ approach Conclusion The POWER DISTANCE INDEX (Hierarchy) = Degree of equality between peoples The MASCULINITY INDEX (Hierarchy) = Level of differentiation and discrimination between gender The INDIVIDUALISM INDEX = Importance of individuality and individual rights within the society

7 Geert Hofstede’s criteria
The Intercultural Management Introduction The concept of Culture Geert Hofstede’s criteria Trompaars’ approach Conclusion The UNCERSTAINTY AVOIDANCE INDEX = Level of tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity within the society THE LONG TERM ORIENTATION

8 Geert Hofstede’s criteria
The Intercultural Management Introduction The concept of Culture Geert Hofstede’s criteria Trompaars’ approach Conclusion

9 Geert Hofstede’s criteria
The Intercultural Management Introduction The concept of Culture Geert Hofstede’s criteria Trompaars’ approach Conclusion The 7 dimensions of Trompenaars 1/2 Individualism or collectivism Objectivity or subjectivity Universalism or particularism Culture spreading or limited

10 Geert Hofstede’s criteria
The Intercultural Management Introduction The concept of Culture Geert Hofstede’s criteria Trompaars’ approach Conclusion The 7 dimensions of Trompenaars 2/2 Attributed or acquired status Will to control nature or not Sequential or synchronous time

11 Geert Hofstede’s criteria
The Intercultural Management Introduction The concept of Culture Geert Hofstede’s criteria Trompaars’ approach Conclusion Necessity of intercultural management 3 points to be remebered Geert Hofstede and Trompenaars: criteria to define cultures Parameters vary substetantly between countries Management must be adaptated to them

12 Geert Hofstede’s criteria
The Intercultural Management Introduction The concept of Culture Geert Hofstede’s criteria Trompaars’ approach Conclusion Q & A

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