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Extemp Practice. Speech Structure Always write your BODY first You should always have THREE main points You can have “stock” bullets, such as “problem,

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Presentation on theme: "Extemp Practice. Speech Structure Always write your BODY first You should always have THREE main points You can have “stock” bullets, such as “problem,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Extemp Practice

2 Speech Structure Always write your BODY first You should always have THREE main points You can have “stock” bullets, such as “problem, cause, solution” or “local, state, national” or “past, present, future” rather than coming up with 3 random points

3 Speech Structure Your BODY points should always contain the following structure for EACH main point: CLAIM 1 SUPPORT ANALYIS / IMPACT CLAIM 2 SUPPORT ANALYIS / IMPACT

4 Speech Structure CLAIM This is a statement you make (Obama will be elected the next President of the U.S.) You cannot, must not, no never ever, make claim after claim without BACKING UP YOUR OPINIONS…

5 Speech Structure SUPPORT for your claims Ask yourself, WHY? HOW DO I KNOW THIS? This comes in the form of EVIDENCE (statistics, experts’ quoted opinions, studies performed, graphs, percentages, etc.) EXAMPLES (scenarios, proverbs, sayings, comparisons/contrasts) You MUST give credit to the source (ex. “According to a 2008 Gallop Poll, youth voting is expected to rise by 42 % in the next election, and 68% of those youths support Obama.”)

6 Speech Structure ANALYSIS of your Support and How it Impacts & Relates to your Claim ex. Therefore, as the rise in younger voter turnout continues, society should see a definite trend in more liberal viewpoints, more focused on issues such as college tuition reimbursement, which is one of Obama’s concerns, as well.

7 Speech Structure Therefore, Claim – Obama will win Support – Gallop poll, showing rise in youth vote in support of Obama Analysis – A rise in youth support will increase electoral votes in more liberal states, thus leading to a win for Obama

8 Speech Structure Next, write your INTRODUCTION Attention-getter (opening joke, personal story, interesting or funny anecdote, children’s story, shocking statistic, news story) Credibility – How are you qualified to speak on this issue? (A struggling high school student myself, it is getting harder to balance working to afford gas while also attending school) Link to the Audience – Why should we listen/care? (As Americans, we are all concerned with the recent rise in gas and oil prices)

9 Speech Structure INTRODUCTION (cont.) ANSWER YOUR QUESTION – So, how will increases in the cost of fuel impact the U.S. Economy? By causing a slow spiral toward another Great Depression. SIGNPOST – (preview your main points) To understand the full effects on the economy, we must examine this issue from he local level, state level, and finally, the national level.

10 Speech Structure Write the CONCLUSION last Include a SUMMARY of your main ideas Include a CLINCHER - final thought, end to the opening story, final example or statistic, etc. DON’T end with “I’m done” “The End” or anything else, just let it lie

11 EXTEMP Overview You have 30 minutes to prepare Draw 3 topics Choose one Choose the one you know something about Choose the one you know we have research about Choose the one you know you can speak for 5-7 minutes about Return remaining topics to the envelope

12 Step One Spend 5 minutes researching your topic Try to locate a specific folder on your topic first If there is nothing directly on your topic, search for possible sources you can easily link to your topic through transitions and analysis

13 Step Two Spend 10 minutes writing the BODY of your speech Be sure to have THREE CLEAR MAIN POINTS Be sure to have at least one research source per main point Cite the full source of the article Articles can be paraphrased

14 Step Three Spend 5 minutes writing the INTRO and CONCLUSION of your speech Be sure to include your attention-getter, credibility, link to the audience, your ANSWER to the question, and don’t forget the SIGNPOST (preview to the body) Be sure to include your summary of main points and a strong clincher

15 Step Four Spend 10 minutes rehearsing your speech Be sure to go over it several times aloud

16 Delivery Don’t forget to MOVE on each main point Don’t fidget, rock or sway, or grab your clothes/hair – PLANT YOUR FEET Don’t forget to GESTURE Speak with a conversational style, yet poised Speak with a smile & CONFIDENCE!

17 Delivery Utilize what you’ve learned about VOCALICS Vary your rate, volume, pitch and tone for effect and for impact Utilize PAUSES to allow your audience to let a point to sink in before moving on

18 Off to your Room! Take your topic to your room with you! When it’s your turn, hand the topic to your judge and take your place. When the judge appears ready, begin your speech. When you conclude, you should thank your judge, and RETURN to the auditorium to re-file and clean your research area.

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