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Lab Report Format: Steps of the Scientific Method.

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Presentation on theme: "Lab Report Format: Steps of the Scientific Method."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab Report Format: Steps of the Scientific Method

2 1. Purpose Statement of the reason the activity is being done.

3 2. Background Information Info needed to understand the purpose and make a prediction. – Math equations – Conversion factors

4 3. Hypothesis Prediction based on the info collected (Educated guess)

5 4. Experiment Design and perform experiments – Materials List – Procedure

6 5. Record and Analyze Data Record data in a table Graph of data if needed Analyze the data (What does it tell you?)

7 6. Conclusion State what you found. Use the data (numbers) to support your conclusion. Was your hypothesis correct? Discuss possible sources of error.


9 Paper Clip Game Purpose: Info gathered: Hypothesis:

10 Game Cont… Experiment: Record/Analyze Data: Conclusion:

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