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April 18, 2013 Luke Lortie, EIT 651.266.7123 Jerry Auge, PE 651.266.7117.

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Presentation on theme: "April 18, 2013 Luke Lortie, EIT 651.266.7123 Jerry Auge, PE 651.266.7117."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 18, 2013 Luke Lortie, EIT 651.266.7123 Jerry Auge, PE 651.266.7117

2  Purpose of Project  Schedule  Funding  Proposed Improvements  Questions

3  Improve Safety ◦ Provide Designated Left Turn Lanes ◦ Upgrade Signal System ◦ Improve Pedestrian Facilities ◦ Increase Lane Widths

4  Maryland Avenue ADT:19,800  Payne Avenue ADT: 9,000  130 Crashes at the Inters. (2007-2012) ◦ Average of 26 Crashes per Year ◦ 53% of Crashes Involve Left Turning Vehicles ◦ 25% of Crashes involve Sideswipe or Rear-Ends ◦ 22% Pedestrian, Right Turns

5 Collision Diagrams provided by the Minnesota Department of Transportation

6 Top 50 Intersections Number of Accidents June 2007 – June 2012 Maryland & Payne #11

7  40 foot Roadway Width  4 Lanes  10 foot Lane Width  No Left Turn Lanes  30 mph Speed Limit  Split Phase West Bound

8  44 Foot Roadway Width (55 Feet at Intersection)  4 Lanes  11 Foot Lane Width  Left Turn Lanes on Maryland Avenue  30 mph Speed Limit

9  Appraisals/OffersAug/Sept 2013  Property AcquisitionFebruary 2014  Project ApprovalMarch 2014  Bid ProjectApril 2014  Bid AwardJune 2014  Start Construction July 2014  End Construction Sept 2014

10 Federal $1,498,000 County State Aid Highway$1,600,000 Municipal State Aid$1,580,000 Total$4,688,000

11  Alignment Options: ◦ North ◦ Center ◦ South Alignment  Payne/Maryland Community Center Project  South Option Minimizes Impacts to Residential Houses (Northeast Quadrant)



14 Impacts to Bus Route 64 at Payne Ave and Greenbrier St

15 April 18, 2013 Luke Lortie, EIT 651.266.7123 Jerry Auge, PE 651.266.7117

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