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Project Description and Needs Lincoln Way Widening Addition of a center-turn lane and safety improvements to the grade and horizontal alignment. Needs.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Description and Needs Lincoln Way Widening Addition of a center-turn lane and safety improvements to the grade and horizontal alignment. Needs."— Presentation transcript:


2 Project Description and Needs Lincoln Way Widening Addition of a center-turn lane and safety improvements to the grade and horizontal alignment. Needs Increase safety within the existing corridor Reduce traffic congestion Provide access management Provide infrastructure improvement to foster economic development along the corridor

3 Project Development to Date Public Meeting – reviewed and received input regarding initial five alternatives Alternative 3 - determined to be the preferred alternative Right-Sizing of Alternative 3 - provided most economical option, while meeting the project needs Preliminary Engineering – in progress, near completion

4 Overview – Right-Sized Alternative 3 Adding a turn lane using variable width widening Constructing a barrier curb for safety and access control Constructing a sidewalk and pedestrian buffer Realigning Henderson and Guice Road for increased safety and efficient travel Improvements to State Street Upgrading traffic signal at the intersection of Lincoln Way and Route 48

5 Preferred Alternative Typical Section

6 Visualization of Roadway - Before

7 Visualization of Roadway - After

8 Preliminary Maintenance of Traffic During Construction Four Phases of Traffic Control; places an emphasis on minimizing disruption to business owners Widen to the east maintaining two lanes on the west Widen to the west maintaining two lanes on the east Maintain pedestrian access through work zone during construction PennDOT will coordinate details with municipality during Final Design Maintain access to businesses

9 Traffic Signals: Construction & Upgrades New signal at Henderson and Guice Upgrade to the existing signal at State Street Timing adjustments at Route 48

10 Driveway Adjustments & ADA Compliance Depressed concrete curb to define access to businesses Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant ramps at all intersections and driveway access points

11 Potential Required Right-of-Way Several potential property, or sliver takes Potential total takes or displacements to accommodate safety improvements at Henderson and Guice Right-of-Way acquisition process typically lasts 18 to 24 months

12 Funding Current Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Discussions currently on-going regarding TIP Update Preliminary Engineering Estimate Currently Being Developed 200820092010 Utilities$500,000 Right-of-Way$600,000 Construction$6,375,000

13 Next Steps Complete Preliminary Engineering Begin Final Design Complete Right-of-Way acquisition plan Advertise Project for Construction Notice to proceed to selected contractor Construction Phase / Open to Traffic

14 Milestone Schedule

15 Questions?

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