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Hammurabi; first written laws in the history. Based on concept that the punishment should fit the crime.

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Presentation on theme: "Hammurabi; first written laws in the history. Based on concept that the punishment should fit the crime."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hammurabi; first written laws in the history. Based on concept that the punishment should fit the crime

2 Created a number system based on units of 60.

3 Divided time into six day weeks.

4 A lunar calendar with 12 months of 28 days. Created astrology and zodiac symbols. Elements of Sumerian culture such as irrigation projects, calendars, astrology, and the worship of nature deities demonstrates the importance of the cycles of nature in their lives.

5 Economy based on agriculture. Taxes were paid in grain and stored in the temple granaries. Map Showing interaction of the Early River Valley Civilizations

6 No concept of private property. Most land belonged to the gods or temple.

7 Traded with the Egyptians and the Indus Valley civilizations. Map Showing interaction of the Early River Valley Civilizations

8 Each family had cylindrical seal acted as their signature. Used to finalize all trade contracts.

9 Nobles ruling family, priests, warriors and large landowners Commoners smaller landowners, fishermen, craftsmen, and merchants Clients Scribes, temple personnel, and dependents of the nobility Slaves taken in battle or they sold themselves or their children as payment for debt. Social stratification existed.

10 Patriarchal society (Men held authority).

11 Female categories: Respectable women, (under male authority) wore veils in public. Non-respectable women (slaves, prostitutes) forbidden to wear a veil.

12 Wealthy was passed from father to sons. Son could ask for inheritance before the father died.

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