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TELLing our story Teacher Educators in the Lifelong Learning Sector Jim Crawley Bath Spa University.

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1 TELLing our story Teacher Educators in the Lifelong Learning Sector Jim Crawley Bath Spa University

2 A Definition What do we mean by ‘Teacher Educators’? any teaching professional supporting the learning and development of trainees on any of the currently recognised ITE awards in the Lifelong Learning sector This could be a tutor, mentor, observer. They could be working on one or more of a number of courses (PTLLS, CTLLS, DTLLS, Cert Ed, PGCE)

3 Scale of provision Teachers on Teacher Training courses 2006/7 29,832 (LLUK 2008: 18) 2007/8 46,504 (18%). (LLUK 2009: 34) 2008/9 45,305 (16.9%) (LLUK 2010: 28) Only FE so the total number in training across the whole sector would be higher.

4 Numbers of Teacher Educators Given the volume of candidates indicated by LLUK workforce data (over 45,000 for each of the years concerned since the reforms came into place) I estimate the community of LLS teacher educators in England at 4000. Comments?

5 Comments on Essential Characteristics of Teacher Educator Courage to stand firm amidst changes that are not always wise. Ability to provide multi-culture and internationalist perspectives and to challenge received views. Infinite patience and the capacity to challenge self and others' actions and values

6 Comments on knowledge of Teacher Educators because the LL sector changes so rapidly, all of these will always be areas for further development in order to keep up to date with knowledge. A broader more holistic knowledge of the PCET sector and its associated learners from voluntary, community, FE,HE and penal education

7 Characteristics and values of Teacher Educators Already experienced teachers Routes into teacher education varied Directly involved in developing the teaching workforce Involved in developing the teaching community Modelling teaching and values of critical autonomy Passionate about teaching and learning Contesting areas of teaching and learning theory and practice

8 What is unique about Teacher Educators in LLS? Most teacher educators are ‘generic’ ITE can involve short and long programmes Particularly diverse range of participants on courses Most teacher educators work with part time in service trainees Teacher education is the main occupation of just 40% of those involved Reduced sense of ‘agency’ Fluidity and rapidly changing nature of sector

9 What next? Artefacts, documents and publications – old and new FENTO STANDARDS (2001) 45 pages 1 key purpose - The key purpose of the FE teacher and those directly involved in supporting learning is to provide high-quality teaching, to create effective opportunities for learning and to enable all learners to achieve to the best of their ability Values; Professional Knowledge and understanding; Skills and attributes 7 key areas; 204 ‘competences’ ‘teaching’ mentioned 112 times

10 LLUK STANDARDS (2007) 20 pages 1 key purpose - The key purpose of the teacher is to create effective and stimulating opportunities for learning through high quality teaching that enables the development and progression of all learners. 6 domains each one with Professional Values; Professional Knowledge and Understanding; Professional Practice 192 ‘competences’ ‘teaching’ mentioned 39 times

11 Bibliography FENTO (2001) Standards for supporting learning London: FENTO Lifelong Learning UK (2007) New overarching professional standards for teachers, tutors and trainers in the lifelong learning sector. Coventry: LLUK Lifelong Learning UK (2008) Further Education Workforce Data for England. An Analysis of the Staff Individualised Record Data 2006-2007. Coventry: LLUK Lifelong Learning UK (2009) Further Education Workforce Data for England. An Analysis of the Staff Individualised Record Data 2007-2008. Coventry: LLUK Lifelong Learning UK (2010) Further Education Workforce Data for England. An Analysis of the Staff Individualised Record Data 2008-2009. Coventry: LLUK

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