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George Washington’s Lasting Words for America

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1 George Washington’s Lasting Words for America
Washington’s Farewell Address: after 45yrs of service to America!

2 Benefits the Fed Gov gives American citizens
Government unity is the pillar of your independence, your tranquility at home, your peace abroad, your safety, your prosperity; of that liberty you so highly prize! Why do Americans have these luxuries? Stable government provides them!

3 Washington’s fears of Political Parties:
Causes: jealousies and false alarms, kindles animosity of one against the other, opens doors to foreign influence and corruption When 2 or more groups with different ideas (like political parties) are together there is conflict: according to Washington, conflict within the government can lead to the bad things listed above!

4 Washington’s Beliefs about the American economy
Public Credit: Cherish it and use it sparingly (requiring money from citizens like in the form of? Taxes! Avoid the accumulation of DEBT (current U.S. debt is in the TRILLIONS OF $$) the more debt a country has the more revenue it needs to pay the debt, where does that revenue come from? You guessed it ………………TAXES of which are never pleasant and always inconvenient!

5 Alliances with other countries:
STEER CLEAR of permanent alliances with other countries Why would Washington suggest this? What do allies do when their fellow country is in trouble? Help them! Usually in form of military assistance!

6 Military Establishments
Avoid the necessity of those overgrown military establishments, which, under any form of government, are harmful to liberty which are to be regarded as particularly hostile to Republican Liberty! If you are the business of building the military, then you must have the desire or feel the need to USE IT!

7 True Americans should always do and be what?
Always exalt the just pride of Patriotism; to me, the great soldier, statesman and leader of his country…no tribute could be more fitting! Be Patriotic to the U.S. ALWAYS: love and serve your country and America will always be great – the best thing you as Americans can do for me.

8 Why do you think this was so important to Washington?

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