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Lincoln-Douglas Debates The 1858 Illinois senate race was between democrat Stephen A. Douglass and Republican Abraham Lincoln. To try to improve his chances.

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2 Lincoln-Douglas Debates The 1858 Illinois senate race was between democrat Stephen A. Douglass and Republican Abraham Lincoln. To try to improve his chances of victory Lincoln challenged Douglas to a series of seven debates


4 A House Divided Speech “We are now far into the fifth year since a policy was initiated with the avowed promise of putting an end to slavery agitation. Under the operation of that policy, that agitation has not only not ceased but has constantly augmented. In my opinion, it will not cease until a crisis shall have been reached and passed. A house divided against itself cannot stand” -Abraham Lincoln 1858

5 The Opponents Abraham Lincoln Republican House Divided Speech Believes slavery is a moral issue Stephen A. Douglas Democrat Currently holds senate seat Author of the Kansas- Nebraska Act Strongly believes in popular sovereignty Freeport Doctrine


7 The Debates 1.Ottawa, Illinois 2.Freeport, Illinois 3.Jonesboro, Illinois 4.Charleston, Illinois 5.Galesburg, Illinois 6.Quincy, Illinois 7.Alton, Illinois

8 Freeport Doctrine Lincoln Asks Are residents of a territory allowed to ban slavery before the territory becomes a state? Douglas Responds Laws are needed to protect and regulate slavery and if such laws are not in place then slave-owners would be unable to live there and that territory would be considered free. He also references that how to make a free territory into a slave territory is outlined in the Nebraska Bill

9 Effects Lincoln The debates caused Lincoln to become the Republican nominee for the 1860 presidential election Douglas Won the Illinois senate seat in 1858 The Freeport Doctrine caused him to loose the democratic nomination for president in 1860

10 Bibliography “List of Debates”. Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858. (11/26/2009). 2007 “AP US History: Lesson 34-The Approaching War”. UC College Prep. uccp_ap.html(11/26/2009). 2009 uccp_ap.html(11/26/2009) “Lincoln and Douglas Debates”. The Development of the American Character. douglass/debates.jpg (11/26/09) douglass/debates.jpg “The Third Presidential Debate”. NEI Nuclear Notes. I/AAAAAAAAAYI/jsKQPUp3mMY/lincoln%2520douglas%2520debate%255B4%255D.jpg&imgrefurl= debate.html&usg=__xQMzv6ol7mqfcHp3BT3T2ePwZTM=&h=450&w=342&sz=54&hl=en&start=44 &um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=Y79Yrc4YANP02M:&tbnh=127&tbnw=97&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dlincoln%2 Bdouglas%2Bdebates%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1R2GGLL_enUS327%26sa%3DN%26s tart%3D36%26um%3D1 (11/26/09)%26um%3D1 “Illinois”. Eduaction @eiu. (11/26/09). 2004

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