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Improving Vocabulary Skills Third Edition (Chapter 5)

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1 Improving Vocabulary Skills Third Edition (Chapter 5)
PowerPoint Flashcards

2 Word: allusion Definition: an indirect reference Part of Speech: noun
Derivatives: allusions Link: Cowardly Lion Sentence: When someone is described as a Cowardly Lion they could be referring to The Wizard of Oz or just making an allusion to someone being scared of their own shadow.

3 Word: altruistic Definition: unselfishly concerned for the welfare of
others; unselfish Part of Speech: adjective Derivatives: altruistic, altruism, altruistically Link: big hearted Sentence: Mary was considered altruistic, or big hearted, because she gave up her Thanksgiving every year to help feed the homeless.

4 Word: appease Definition: to calm, especially
by giving in to the demands of Part of Speech: verb Derivatives: appeases, appeased, appeasing, appeasable Sentence: Sometimes we have to appease people by making peace and making compromises. Link: make peace

5 Word: arbitrary Definition: determined by personal judgment, not rule
or reason; based on impulse Part of Speech: adjective Derivative: arbitrarily Link: my way or the highway Sentence: I bought her a mug that said, “My way or the Highway” because she always made arbitrary decisions without listening to my ideas.

6 Word: assail Definition: to attack physically or verbally
Part of Speech: verb Link: attacked by a whale Derivatives: assails, assailed, assailing, assailer Sentence: Little did we know when we went out for a sail, that we would be assailed by a whale.

7 Word: banal Definition: lacking originality; overused; commonplace
Part of Speech: adjective Derivative: banality Link: not original Sentence: When people dress twins in the same outfit, this is banal, because it is not original.

8 Word: euphemism Definition: a mild or vague term used as a substitute
for one considered offensive or unpleasant Link: pre-owned vehicle Part of Speech: noun Derivative: euphemisms Sentence: A euphemism for a used car is a “pre-owned vehicle.”

9 Word: mercenary Definition: motivated only by financial gain; greedy
Part of Speech: adjective Derivative: mercenaries Link: greedy exploited the needy Sentence: The mercenaries were so greedy that they exploited the needy.

10 Word: syndrome Definition: a group of symptoms
typical of a particular disease or condition Part of Speech: noun Derivative: syndromes Link: Irritable Bowel Syndrome Sentence: Diarrhea, bloating, and excessive gas are symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

11 Word: taint Definition: to stain the honor of someone or something
Part of Speech: verb Derivatives: taints, tainted, tainting Link: black paint Sentence: Putting black paint on the map of the United States tends to taint its reputation.

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