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Advancing Vocabulary Skills Third Edition (Chapter 21)

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1 Advancing Vocabulary Skills Third Edition (Chapter 21)
PowerPoint Flashcards

2 Word: decorum Definition: correctness in
behavior and manners; standards or conventions of socially acceptable behaviors Part of Speech: noun Derivative: Link: thank you card Sentence: Proper decorum is to send a thank you card to everyone that gives you a gift.

3 Word: espouse Definition: to support, argue
for, or adopt (an idea or cause) Part of Speech: verb Derivatives: espouses, espoused, espousing Link: politician adopt a cause Sentence: Politicians will espouse (adopt) a cause to get peoples’ votes.

4 Word: exhilaration Definition: cheerfulness; high spirits
Part of Speech: noun Derivative: exhilarations Link: graduation Sentence: We were in the state of exhilaration when graduation day finally came.

5 Word: exorbitant Definition: excessive, especially
in amount, cost, or price; beyond what is reasonable or appropriate Part of Speech: adjective Derivative: exorbitantly Link: medical bills Sentence: The exorbitant cost of medical bills are unbelievable.

6 Word: extricate Definition: to free from a tangled situation or a
difficulty Part of Speech: verb Link: spider’s web Derivatives: extricates, extricated, extricating Sentence: If you get tangled in a spider’s web, it is difficult to extricate yourself from it.

7 Word: facilitate Definition: to make easier to do or to get
Part of Speech: verb Derivatives: facilitates, facilitated, facilitating Link: elevator Sentence: An elevator makes it easier to facilitate getting to a higher level floor quicker than taking the stairs.

8 Word: orthodox Definition: following established, traditional rules or beliefs, especially in religion; following what is customary or expected Part of Speech: adjective Link: delegates from the Russian Orthodox Church Derivative: Sentence: Delegates from the Russian Orthodox Church discussed their traditional values at the conference.

9 Word: rejuvenate Definition: to make (someone)
feel or seem young again; to make (something) seem fresh or new again Part of Speech: verb Derivatives: rejuvenates, rejuvenated, rejuvenating Link: fertilizer Sentence: Fertilizer can rejuvenate a lawn and make it nice and green.

10 Word: synchronize Definition: to cause to occur
at exactly the same time; to cause (clocks and watches) to agree in time Part of Speech: verb Derivatives: synchronizes, synchronized, synchronizing Link: synchronize our watches Sentence: We had to synchronize our watches so that we would all be at the garage at the same time to get our car.

11 Word: tenuous Definition: having little substance
or basis; weak; poorly supported Part of Speech: adjective Derivatives: tenuously, tenuousness Link: step-child Sentence: Sometimes the relationship between a step-child and step-parent is tenuous at best. It is a relationship that takes a lot of work.

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