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Corrections Company, RCF Promotions System. Safety Brief zExit to the left of the room. zIf an emergency arises within the facility, all instructions.

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1 Corrections Company, RCF Promotions System

2 Safety Brief zExit to the left of the room. zIf an emergency arises within the facility, all instructions will come from the on duty Guard Commander.

3 Purpose zTo help soldiers identify the requirements for promotion and to provide soldiers with the knowledge for career progression.

4 References zAR 600-8-19 Enlisted Promotions and Reductions zAR 601-280 Total Army Retention Program zFM 21-20 Physical Fitness Training

5 Terms zWaiver - The soldier’s requirements for a specific area has been set aside. zPrimary Zone - Soldier meets requirements in the Time in Grade (TIG) and Time in Service (TIS). zSecondary Zone - Soldier is eligible for promotion, however; the soldier needs a waiver for either TIG, TIS, or Both. zPromotable Status - Soldier has met all the requirements to be eligible for the next pay grade. zNonpromotable Status - Soldier has not met the requirements for the next pay grade.

6 E-2/PV2 zRequirement: 6 months TIS zWaiver: 4 months TIS zAuthority: Unit Commander

7 E-3/PFC zRequirement: 12 months TIS, 4 months TIG zWaiver: 6 months TIS, 2 months TIG zAuthority: Unit Commander

8 E-4/SPC zRequirement: 26 months TIS, 6 months TIG zWaiver: 18 months TIS, 3 months TIG zAuthority: Battalion Commander

9 Waivers zCalculations for PV2 and PFC are based on assigned strength and SPC are based on authorized current strength report. zTotal number of assigned and attached PV2’s with less than 6 months TIS cannot exceed 20 percent of the total PV2 population. zTotal number of assigned and attached PFC’s with less than 12 months TIS cannot exceed 20 percent of the total PFC population. zTotal number of assigned SPC and CPL with less than 26 months TIS cannot exceed the SPC waiver percentage established by HQDA. The SPC waiver percentage will be published in the monthly cutoff scores and enlisted promotion issues memorandum.

10 Semi-centralized Promotions zUsed for promotion to SGT and SSG. zPromoted on a point based system. zOnce soldier is placed on “promotable status” he/she waits 60 days from promotion board for points to become effective. zEach month HQDA publishes cutoff scores based on MOS and available TDA positions.

11 SGT/SSG Requirements zSGT y34 months TIS, 8 months TIG yWaiver: 16 months TIS and 4 months TIG (promoted in secondary zone) yMust have 6 months TIS remaining after promotion. yMust maintain at a minimum 350 points to remain on promotion list. z SSG y84 months TIS, 10 months TIG yWaiver: 46 months TIS and 5 months TIG (promoted in secondary zone) yMust have 12 months TIS remaining after promotion. yMust maintain at a minimum 450 points to remain on the promotion list. yGraduate of PLDC.

12 Promotion Process zSoldier is identified through leadership that they are eligible for promotion (primary or secondary zone). zSoldier is informed that he will appear in front of the promotion board (panel of 5-6 members.) zUnit fills out DA Form 3355 (Promotion point worksheet) on soldier based on Weapons, APFT, Awards, Military/Civilian Education, and the Commander’s Evaluation. zSoldier appears before the promotion board (SGM, CSM or acting SGM as president). Board members evaluate soldier in Personal Appearance, Bearing and Self Confidence; Oral Expression and Conversation Skills; Knowledge of World Affairs; Awareness of Military Programs; Knowledge of Basic Soldiering; and Soldier’s Attitude.

13 DA Form 3355 zCommander’s Evaluation - 150 points max. 1-30 points in Competence, Military Bearing, Leadership, Training, and Responsibility and Accountability. zMilitary Training - 100 points max. APFT (50 pts) and Weapons Qualification (50 pts). zAwards, Decoration and Achievements - 100 points max. Awards, Certificates, Medals. zMilitary Education - 200 points max. Correspondence Courses, NCOES, Schools. zCivilian Education - 100 points max. College, Correspondence Courses, Tech school. zPromotion Board Results - 150 points max.

14 Military Training zAPFT 300 - 50263-261 - 27 299 - 49260-258 - 26 298 - 48257-255 - 25 297 - 47254-252 - 24 296 - 46251-249 - 23 295 - 45248-246 - 22 294 - 44245-243 - 21 293 - 43242-240 - 20 292 - 42239-239 - 19 291 - 41235-232 - 18 290 - 40231-228 - 17 289-288 - 39227-224 - 16 287-286 - 38223-220 - 15 285-284 - 37219-216 - 14 283-282 - 36215-212 - 13 281-280 - 35207-204 - 12 279-278 - 34203-200 - 10 277-276 - 33199-196 - 9 275-274 - 32195-192 - 8 273-272 - 31191-188 - 7 271-270 - 30187-184 - 6 269-267 - 29183-180 - 5 266-264 - 28179-0 - 0 z Weapons

15 Awards zPoints: Soldier’s Medal or higher award35 Bronze Star Medal30 Purple Heart30 Defense Meritorious Service Medal25 Meritorious Service Medal (MSM)25 Army Commendation Medal (ARCOM)20 Army Achievement Medal (AAM)15 Good Conduct Medal (GCM)15

16 Badges zPoints: Combat Infantry Badge15 Combat Field Medical Badge15 Expert Infantry Badge10 Expert Field Medical Badge10 Driver’s Badge5

17 Achievements zPoints: Soldier/NCO of the Quarter (BDE)10 Soldier/NCO of the Quarter (Post)15 Soldier/NCO of the Year (MACOM)25 Distinguished Honor Grad15 Distinguished Leadership Award10 Commandant’s List5 Certificates (Signed by LTC or  )5 (max 20 pts)

18 Military Education zArmy Correspondence Courses - 1 point for every 5 hours. zNCOES - 4 points for every 40 hours. zCertificates of Training - 4 points for every 40 hours.

19 Civilian Education zBusiness/Trade School/College - 1.5 pts for each semester hour. zDegree Completion - 10 points. zAccredited Schools (Correspondence) - 1.5 points for each semester hour.

20 Exercise zFor your own reference of where you are at, fill out a DA Form 3355. For the Commander’s Evaluation, place 150 points, for your board results, place 140- 150 (be honest with yourself).

21 Centralized Promotions zUsed for promotion to SFC, MSG, and SGM. zBoard composed of at least five members. zThe selection board will recommend a specified number of soldiers by MOS from the zones of consideration who are the best qualified to meet the needs of the Army. The total number selected for each MOS is the projected number the Army needs to maintain its authorized-by- grade strength. zPERSCOM will determine and announce the total number of promotions to SFC, MSG, and SGM on a monthly basis.

22 SFC/MSG Requirements zSFC y6 years active federal service. yHigh School Degree or GED. yMeet announced DOR and BASD requirements and other eligibility criteria prescribed by PERSCOM. yGraduate of BNCOC or Higher NCOES. z MSG y8 years active federal service. yHigh School Degree or GED. yMeet announced DOR and BASD requirements and other eligibility criteria prescribed by PERSCOM. yGraduate of ANCOC. yMust have 8 years of enlisted service creditable in computing basic pay.

23 SGM Requirements z SGM y10 years active federal service. yHigh School Degree or GED. yMeet announced DOR and BASD requirements and other eligibility criteria prescribed by PERSCOM. yMust have 10 years of enlisted service creditable in computing basic pay. yMSG who have been removed from a centralized promotions list for failure of USASMC (SGM’s Course) will not be considered for future boards.

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