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TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter from Commanding General Letter from CSM of the Field Artillery Reenlistment Options Selective Reenlistment Bonuses Fort Sill.

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2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter from Commanding General Letter from CSM of the Field Artillery Reenlistment Options Selective Reenlistment Bonuses Fort Sill Reserve Transition Regular Military Compensation Counselor Contact Numbers



5 Option 1 - Regular Army This option carries no guarantee of assignment, training, or stabilization. Soldiers will be assigned and utilized according to the needs of the Army. You can choose to reenlist for 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 years. Option 2 - Current Station Stabilization Soldiers assigned to TDA units must have less than 23 months Time on Station (TOS) at time of reenlistment for CONUS based Soldiers or DEROS for OCONUS based Soldiers to qualify for this option. There are no TOS restrictions for Soldiers assigned to MTO&E units. Soldiers assigned to TDA units may not exceed 24 months TOS when adding reenlistment stabilization to current TOS. Guarantees up to a 12-month period of stabilization from date of reenlistment Initial Term Soldiers - minimum 3 year reenlistment. Mid-Career Soldiers - minimum 2 year reenlistment. Career Soldiers (with less than 10 years of AFS on date of discharge) who are eligible to receive mid career options - minimum 3 year reenlistment. Option 3 - Army Training Guarantees attendance at an available service school for PMOS/SQI/ASI or language. Initial Termers can choose to reenlist for a minimum of 3 years. Soldiers must meet the minimum SRR for new MOS and follow on assignment using a combination of reenlistment and extension; extension will not exceed 11 months. Mid-Careerists can choose to reenlist for a minimum of 3 years. Soldiers must meet the minimum SRR for new MOS and follow on assignment using a combination of reenlistment and extension; extension will not exceed 11 months. Career Soldiers who are eligible to receive mid career options (with less than 10 years of AFS on date of discharge) - minimum 3 year reenlistment. Soldiers must meet the minimum SRR for new MOS and follow on assignment using a combination of reenlistment and extension; extension will not exceed 11 months. REENLISTMENT OPTIONS

6 STAY ARMY STRONG! Option 4 – Overseas Initial Term Soldiers - minimum 4 year reenlistment for a long tour area and 3 years for short tour area. Soldiers must be within 12 months of their date available to move (DEROS, LCM end date, SMTYM, or AEA end date) to obtain "movement-type" options in RETAIN Mid-Career Soldiers - may reenlist for the minimum period to meet the SRR for assignment using a combination of reenlistment and extension; extension will not exceed 11 months. Soldiers must be within 12 months of their date available to move (DEROS, LCM end date, SMTYM, or AEA end date) to obtain "movement-type" options in RETAIN. Career Soldiers who are eligible to receive mid career options (with less than 10 years of AFS on date of discharge) - may reenlist for the minimum period to meet the SRR for assignment using a combination of reenlistment and extension; extension will not exceed 11 months. Soldiers must be within 12 months of their date available to move (DEROS, LCM end date, SMTYM, or AEA end date) to obtain "movement- type" options in RETAIN. Option 5 - CONUS Station-of-Choice Initial Term Soldiers - minimum of 4 year reenlistment. Exception: Soldiers may reenlist for 3 years if they have less than 12 months from contractual ETS. Soldiers must be within 12 months of their date available to move. Mid-Career Soldiers - may reenlist for the minimum period to meet the SRR for assignment using a combination of reenlistment and extension; extension will not exceed 11 months. Soldiers must be within 12 months of their date available to move. Career Soldiers who are eligible to receive mid career options (with less than 10 years of AFS on date of discharge) - may reenlist for the minimum period to meet the SRR for assignment using a combination of reenlistment and extension; extension will not exceed 11 months. Soldiers must be within 12 months of their date available to move.

7 SELECTIVE REENLISTMENT BONUS (SRB) – ENHANCED PROGRAM * Soldiers who currently hold the rank of PFC thru SSG, whose contractual ETS is prior to the last day of current fiscal year, and possess a critical skill MOS; upon reenlistment are entitled to a lump sum flat-rate SRB payment (per current Milper message). * Soldiers who currently hold the rank of PFC thru SSG, whose contractual ETS is beyond the current fiscal year, and possess a critical skill MOS; upon reenlistment are entitled to a lump sum flat-rate SRB payment (per current Milper message). *Soldiers regardless of ETS serving on active duty in an MOS and designated deployed location are entitled to a lump sum flat-rate SRB payment upon reenlistment (per current Milper message). *Soldiers who possess a critical skill MOS with SQI/ASI/LANG and reenlist for specified locations are entitled to a lump sum flat-rate SRB payment (per current Milper message). NOTE: Amount varies based upon Additionally Obligated Service BEAR Program: Allows eligible Soldiers an opportunity to extend their enlistment for formal retraining into a shortage MOS that is presently in the current BEAR message. Soldier extends current ETS date 24 months past graduation date of MOS training. Upon completion of this MOS producing school, the Soldier is eligible to reenlist and receive a lump sum payment per Milper message at time of extension or current Milper message at time of reenlistment, whichever yields highest benefit to the Soldier. BONUS ELIGIBILITY C - ZONE 10 thru 14 years Total Active Federal service B - ZONE 6 thru 10 years Total Active Federal service A -ZONE 17 months thru 6 years Total Active Federal service Zone is determined by day of reenlistment Only one bonus per zone in a Soldiers career

8 The Selected Reserve and the Individual Warrior Formerly known as the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). Upon the declaration of a national emergency (10 USC 12302), the President may order up to one million IRR personnel to active service involuntarily for up to 24 months. Of Soldiers who have a remaining Military Service Obligation (MSO), those who have served less than 8 years in the military will complete their remaining MSO through assignment into the Selected Reserve (Army Reserve or National Guard) or the Individual Warrior Program. “Try One in the Guard/ Reserve Program.” This program offers a one year enlistment option for Soldiers interested in the ARNG, or the USAR. (Guard and Reserve) MSO Reduction Program Soldiers with a remaining MSO may have up to 24 months of their Statutory obligation reduced for a corresponding commitment to the Selected Reserve. This program is for specific MOS’s only. RCCC Counselors have program details. Tour Stabilization Stabilization allows the Soldier time to establish school, work and Family ties upon separation from active duty. The Army Reserve and National Guard have independent programs available. Maximum of 30 months. FORT SILL RESERVE TRANSITION OFFICE

9 The Army National Guard and the Army Reserve are components of the Active Army that share the same core values. As you consider your options beyond active duty service, know that your career and military benefits do not have to end. You are invited to join the Reserve Components! What else should I Know? What is a Pre-separation briefing? This briefing explains requirements that are established by AR 601-280, the Army Retention Program. In addition, all separating Soldiers are required to schedule an interview with the Reserve Component Career Counselor (RCCC). You can reserve an appointment by calling the RCCC direct or by contacting your company Reenlistment NCO. Who must attend? All honorably separating Soldiers other than retirees, regardless of rank are required to attend a pre- separation service program briefing, no later than 120 days prior to their separation date. What Chapter Separations remain qualified to join? Soldiers separating under the provisions of AR 635-200, Chapters 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, or 18 are ineligible to enlist or transfer to the Reserve Component. ARMY OF ONE Active, Guard, Reserve

10 Tri-Care medical and dental insurance (low cost) Drill Sergeant Program E-4 and up (USAR) OCS enlistment option (ARNG) Bonus from $7,500-20,000 Re-class option (Change your MOS) Enlistments from 1-6 years Tuition assistance along with your MGIB Options and benefits vary by location talk to your RC Counselor for specific details. Options and Benefits

11 Regular Military Compensation What will you need to make to keep your current standard of living? SPC over 3yrs service, with Dependents MonthlyAnnual Basic Pay$1,949.10$23,389.20 BAS$294.43$3,533.16 BAH$709.00$8,508.00 Cash Total$2,952.53$35,430.36 Tax Advantage111.491,337.91 Regular Military Compensation 3,064.0236,768.27 SGT over 6yrs service, with Dependents MonthlyAnnual Basic Pay$2,405.10$28,861.20 BAS$294.43$3,533.16 BAH$770.00$9,240.00 Cash Total$3,469.53$41,634.36 Tax Advantage148.191,778.28 Regular Military Compensation 3,617.7243,412.64 SSG over 10yrs service, with Dependents MonthlyAnnual Basic Pay$2,930.40$35,164.80 BAS$294.43$3,533.16 BAH$974.00$11,688.00 Cash Total$4,198.83$50,385.96 Tax Advantage215.092,581.08 Regular Military Compensation 4,413.9252,967.04 SFC over 14yrs service, with Dependents MonthlyAnnual Basic Pay$3,592.50$43,110.00 BAS$294.43$3,533.16 BAH$985.00$11,820.00 Cash Total$4,871.93$58,463.16 Tax Advantage225.782,709.38 Regular Military Compensation 5,097.7161,172.54 Job security / 30 days vacation with pay 20-Year Retirement Thrift Savings Plan Medical and Dental care at little or no cost SGLI / MGIB Transfer to spouses 100% paid tuition and other education benefits MWR facilities / Commissary / PX E-ARMY-U: Laptop-Free Internet BENEFITS

12 428 th FA BDE442-3910/5602 434 th FA BDE442-1274 GARRISON442-3968 214 th FIRES BDE442-5240 75 th FIRES BDE442-9395 31 st ADA BDE678-6124 6 th ADA BDE442-2822 MEDDAC458-2082 RESERVE COMP442-5930 POST RETENTION442-4707/4815 Today’s Army is constantly moving forward-reshaping, developing and improving all aspects of this diverse organization for its Warriors. Contact your Career Counselor for current information on options and benefits!



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