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Temperature Activity We will use the Ancient Cites and Temperature Clickable PDF to see where the coldest, hottest, and in-between temperatures are located.

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Presentation on theme: "Temperature Activity We will use the Ancient Cites and Temperature Clickable PDF to see where the coldest, hottest, and in-between temperatures are located."— Presentation transcript:

1 Temperature Activity We will use the Ancient Cites and Temperature Clickable PDF to see where the coldest, hottest, and in-between temperatures are located on a world map.

2 Click on the icon that looks like a stack of papers Steps: 1.Use the Ancient Cites and Temperature Clickable PDF. 2.Click on the “Layers symbol” (stack of papers) to see layers. 3.Click the boxes in front of “Temperature text” and “Temp activity” so both are turned on. That will bring up a list of layers that you can click on and off The “Temp activity” layer shows average annual temperature In Fahrenheit degrees at weather stations. (Source :

3 Steps: 4. Print out the “Temp Activity” layer so along with “Temp Text” so that each student has a copy. 5. Students will separate the temperatures into three categories: Hot, Cold, In-between. -- Atop all values that are 76 or higher, write H for Hot (or color them red-orange). Hint: Start looking near the equator. -- Atop all values that are 45 or lower, write C for Cold (or color them blue). Hint: Start looking far away from the equator. -- Mark the values 46 through 75 with an M for Middle (between the Hot and the Cold) or color them green.

4 Steps: 6. Students should describe where Hot, Cold, and Middle temperatures are located by talking about their patterns in relation to latitude lines. Click boxes in front of Latitude lines, Equator, and Tropic lines to turn them on and off. 7. The next slide shows the answer map for which three layers are turned on: Temp hot, Temp mid, Temp cold.

5 45 or colder – Blue 46 through 75 – Green 76 and hotter – Orange The “Temp activity” layer shows average annual temperature In Fahrenheit degrees at weather stations. (Source : This is what the map looks like after all the symbols have been colored. In further analysis, summarize the pattern of temperature in relation to latitude. Or compare the pattern of ancient cities with the temperature pattern.

6 Steps: 7. Assessment activity: a. The Hot temperatures tend to be in a band close to this latitude line: __________________ Equator b. The Cold temperatures tend to be in a band close to these latitude lines: __________________ 60, 70, 80 c. The “Middle” temperatures tend to be in a belt close to these latitude lines: __________________ 30, 40, 50 d. Write a sentence to summarize how temperature changes with distance from the equator. (Average annual temperatures are warm near the equator but are colder for places that are farther from the equator.) 8. Extension—Analyze the relationship between the temperature pattern and “population distribution in Year 1.” Where are the 3 highest percentages? (South Asia, East Asia, Western Asia) Note the correspondence of these high percentage regions with “Middle” temperatures! Where are the 3 lowest percentages? (Australia &Oceania, North America, Northern Eurasia) Note how the northern low percentage regions correspond with “Cold” temperatures! Note Australia’s separation from other continental land masses.



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