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World War I, and Wilson’s 14 points American History Mr. Henrichsen.

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Presentation on theme: "World War I, and Wilson’s 14 points American History Mr. Henrichsen."— Presentation transcript:

1 World War I, and Wilson’s 14 points American History Mr. Henrichsen

2 Main Points US Isolationism Economy The Great War

3 US Isolationism Desire of many to stay out of the foreign conflicts. The US is not threatened either directly or indirectly Conflicting support in the states Moral obligation to promote peace Fits Wilson’s idea of Missionary Diplomacy

4 The Great War – AKA World War I Starts with the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand by the Black Hand The mass collection of alliances caused most European countries to declare war on each other Allied Powers England, France, Belgium, Russia, Italy, Portugal Central Powers Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire

5 US Involvement Support of the Allied powers via trade 2.3 Billion dollars in loans to Allied Powers German Blockade Sinks ships killing a few hundred US citizens Lusitania – 128 US citizens Still not at war Wilson re-elected “He kept us out of War” Germany announces unrestricted submarine warfare In we go…

6 US Actions Selective Service abka the Draft Armed forces have only about 200,000 Out of date weaponry Few planes I Want YOU – James Montgomery Flagg

7 Involvement in Europe US troops called Doughboys Although inexperienced the energy they brought was very welcome Separate from other allied troops to ensure a strong US presence at the peace talks

8 Treaty of Versailles - US Possible US involvement in future conflicts. Irreconcilables vs. Reservationists. Wilson went on a speaking tour to support. Wilson has a stroke. Treaty is rejected by the Senate.

9 Treaty of Versailles - Europe Germany lost land. Austrio-Hungarian empire split into many nations. Russia gave up land during revolution. Many new nations created with known ethnic conflicts. (Romania, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia)

10 Treaty of Versailles – Europe cont. France wanted large reparations from Germany for WWI England wanted continued naval dominance. The Allies wanted to ensure that Germany could never do this again. Thus they created the Weimar Republic.

11 Europe before and after WWI

12 Trench Warfare Tools Trenches Machine Guns Barbed wire Poison gas Biological agents Helmets Lights Mines Grenades Terms Maginot Line No Man’s Land Trench foot

13 Trench Warfare

14 Wilson’s 14 Points Open Covenants of Peace. Absolute freedom of navigation on the seas. Removal of all economic barriers and establish equal trade conditions. Reduction of national armaments. Open minded disbursement of colonies. Evacuation of Russian territory. Restoration of Belgium.

15 Wilson’s 14 Points French territory restored. Italy should be organized under boundaries according to nationality. Austria-Hungarian people must be allowed autonomous development. Balkan states must be evacuated, and gov’t determined by nationality and allegiance. Turkey should be secure. An independent Polish state. A League of Nations must be formed.

16 US reaction to League of Nations

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