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Advertising and the Media What effects do they really have?

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Presentation on theme: "Advertising and the Media What effects do they really have?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advertising and the Media What effects do they really have?

2 Advertising and Marketing Techniques Arouse curiosity Promise a benefit Emotional Appeal Children Celebrities Sex Humour

3 Alcohol Advertising and Marketing

4 Celebrities in Advertising

5 Cosmetic Advertising

6 Diet/Weight Loss Advertising

7 Snack and Junk Food Advertisements

8 Sex Sells

9 Super Bowl The Super Bowl is not only well known for its major league football league. Companies will pay huge amounts to get their advertisements broadcasted to many countries and millions of people.

10 Making Your Advertisement Here are some techniques which can help you to create an effective advertisement!

11 Catchy Headlines Your headline is 70% responsible for the success of your ad. You want it to promise the biggest benefit, make a news announcement, or ask a provocative question.

12 Attractive pictures and images Twice as many readers will look at a photo than read a headline. By using a graphic you are getting the attention of twice as many people. A vertical photo attracts more attention than a horizontal one. Studies also show that the size of your photograph is important. When you double the size of a photo, you double the average amount of copy a person will read.

13 Deals and Sales Offer different deals every few weeks. One offer will out-pull the others. This will also help you to get different kinds of customers who respond to different offers.

14 Free memberships and coupons Offer a limited number of free consultations or special deals per month. “Only the first 50 people….” This gets people to respond now. Use a time limit in your ads for people to respond. Time limits work. Coupons get the highest response rate for advertising. Coupons in newspaper inserts get double the response than do coupons in regular newspaper ads [4.4% versus 2.3%]. Coupons contained inside a product get more than double the response than do the insert coupons [12% versus 4.4%]. If you can, use coupons.

15 Keep it short and catchy! About 1/3 of readers will stop after reading the first 50 words. An additional 25% will stop reading after 200 words. Put the benefits up front, and keep them coming. Or to put it another way, get straight to the point. People will not wait.

16 Movement Your ad needs to work with the reader’s physical eye movements. The point of attraction for the eye, and the subsequent movement or natural reading progression needs to lead the reader toward the response device [like your phone number].


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