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Chapter 8 – Living with the Legacies of Historical Globalization Social Studies 10.

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1 Chapter 8 – Living with the Legacies of Historical Globalization Social Studies 10

2 Chapter Issue To what extent have attempts to respond to the legacies of historical globalization been effective?

3 During this chapter… ► Think about whether or not you think people responded effectively ► Think about whether or not governments responded effectively ► Think about the role organizations played in responding to historical globalization ► What are the effects of historical globalization on the world?

4 Today’s Class ► People’s Response ► Rwanda ► The Facts ► Historical Overview ► Is it a legacy? Is there any positive responses?

5 The People’s Response ► People are still responding to some effects of historical globalization ► It is important to understand that some responses can be positive and some can be negative

6 Case Study - Rwanda

7 ► Who – There are two main indigenous groups that occupy the country: ________ ______________________________ ► Approximatly ______________________ ___________________________________

8 The Hutus and the Tutsis ► While the Hutu and Tutsi are often considered to be two separate ethnic groups,  it has been pointed out that they speak the same language, have a history of intermarriage, and share many cultural characteristics. ► Traditionally, the differences between the two ______________________________________.  Agricultural people were considered Hutu  Cattle-owning elite were identified as Tutsi

9 Case Study - Rwanda ► What – Political unrest, war, and genocide ► Where – Rwanda is a country in east-central Africa ► When – The issues spans history as far back as the late 1800’s and still have influences today.

10 WHY? ► To understand why, we need to look at the history of Rwanda. ► Prior to the Scramble for Africa, Rwanda was occupied by two main indigenious tribes, the Hutus and the Tutsis ► The Scramble for Africa commenced in the late 1800’s, this was a time when many European nations wanted to claim land in Africa for their own benefits. Much of this land and people who lived there were exploited. ► During the Scramble, Germany picked up the area we now identify as Rwanda.

11 WHY? ► _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ ________________________________________. ► This created tension between the two groups ► After WWI Germany had to give their land they had acquired in Africa to Belgium ► The Belgians continued the distinction between Hutus and Tutsis, and even created a bigger division by making the people carry card to identyify what group they belonged to.

12 Rwanda’s Struggle ► After WWII, most colonies in Africa began to demand their independence ► 1962, Belgium pulled out of Rwanda ► _________________________________________ ________________________________________. ► The battle began and continued to intensify as the majority Hutu government began a campaign against Tutsis and any sympathetic Hutus. ► Thus, a civil war.

13 Peace? ► In 1993, ____________________________ ____________________________________ _________________________________. ► The peace agreement required the government to share power with other political groups, including the Tutsi led Patriotic Front ► This condition angered many Hutus

14 April 6, 1994 ► A plane carrying Rwandan president Juvenal Habyarimana was shot down ► It was not known who was responsible ► The Rwandan government and some Hutu militants blamed the Tutsis ► _________________________________________ __________________ ► Radio broadcasts encouraged Hutus civilians to take revenge ► The Militia favored hacking their victims to death using machetes

15 Genocide ► The mass killing of human beings, especially a targeted group of people ► By July 19, 1994, _____________________ ___________________________________. ► Tutsis and moderate Hutus tried to find shelter in churches or in United Nations buildings, but these people rarely survived

16 Is this a legacy of historical globalization? ► Tell me what you think, now that we have looked at the basic facts that led up to the Rwandan Genocide

17 + or - ► From the Case Study of Rwanda, it is obvious to see that the response to a historical legacy by the people was detrimental to a society’s existence. ► But is there any positive responses?

18 What’s being done now? ► Class Activity – Rebuilding Rwandan Society ► Page 192-193 ► You have 10 minutes ► Read the assigned section with a partner ► Write down the 3 most important points from that section ► We will be discussing you findings as a class

19 What is being done now… ► Rwandan’s now are left trying to rebuild their society and reconcile with one another ► UN played a significant role during the fighting, and now they created International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda ► Gacaca Courts – justice on the grass ► Rebuilding their economy, farming coffee, many farms were rebuilt ► Rwanda has received international support  Ubuntu Edmonton

20 Activity ► On P 191, read the three quotations. ► After you have completed this, answer question 1. ► To answer question 1, it would be best to re-read the quotations once again.

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