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Therapies Treatment History Mental Hospitals– Moral Therapy– Phenothiazines- Deinstitutionalization –

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1 Therapies Treatment History Mental Hospitals– Moral Therapy– Phenothiazines- Deinstitutionalization –

2 Cultural Diversity Evil spirits possess one yielding extreme moods Healers used – smoke, herbs, doll effigies, ceremonies –

3 Later Interventions Community Mental Health Centers Medicaid funding for prescriptions & some counseling ~ 40% w/ problems don’t seek help

4 Therapists Psychiatrists Psychiatrists – Clinical Psychologists Clinical Psychologists– Counseling Psychologists Counseling Psychologists – Social Workers Social Workers - Nurses Nurses – Homeopathic Practitioners - Specialists

5 Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Identify feelings Breakdown defenses / resistance Interpret behaviors Work through transference Shortened time frame –Improvement over control groups –Short-term -> 25-30 sessions

6 Client-centered therapy Potential for self-actualization Reflecting – Positive regard – Empathy – Genuine –

7 Cognitive Therapy Addressing automatic thoughts Overgeneralization– Polarized thinking – Selective attention –

8 Behavior Therapy Using classical & operant conditioning Systematic Desensitization Relaxation Stimulus Hierarchy- Exposure – Example: Insomnia, Fears

9 Cognitive-Behavior Therapy Addresses thoughts & behaviors Intrusive thoughts Self-monitoring– Thought stopping – Examples:

10 Common factors in therapies Basic set of procedures Supportive & trusting relationship Accepting atmosphere Attention to the issues

11 Psychoanalysis – Freud: 1800-1900 Assumptions repressed thoughts, conflict, leading to emotional problems Techniques Free association, dream interpretation, psychoanalysis

12 Client-centered Therapy: Rogers 40’s & 50’s Assumptions Clients have potential for self- actualization Techniques Reflecting, empathy, positive regard, supportive relationship

13 Cognitive Therapy– Beck 60’s & 70’s Assumptions Automatic, irrational, negative thoughts affect feelings, actions and distort perceptions Techniques Self-monitoring, Thought- stopping, thought substitution

14 Behavior Therapy – 50’s various Assumptions Emotional reactions and behaviors are conditioned and can be unconditioned Techniques Systematic Desensitization, reward / punishment, cognitive- behavior therapy

15 Other Imperatives Music – positive themes * Survival collection* Laughter / Humor – enjoyment leads to increase in mental health functioning (Psychoneuroimmunology)

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