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Network Event HNC/D Business 20 th February 2012 SQA Qualifications Team Update.

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2 Network Event HNC/D Business 20 th February 2012 SQA Qualifications Team Update

3 Welcome and Introduction Purpose of Events – to support practitioners with the delivery and assessment of HN Frameworks by: –Providing information –Facilitating workshops –Encouraging networking Theme for the day is: Continuing Partnership

4 Updates to Frameworks Optional Units reviewed (August 2011) Marketing Research Theory FK8M 34 Marketing Research Applications FK8L 34 Sales Promotion FM0Y 35 –Full credit transfer from old to new units (HNC/D Marketing Arrangements Document) –End date of 31 July 2015 for old units (no entries accepted after this date)

5 Updates to Frameworks Optional Units under review in other subject areas Creating a Culture of Customer Care DJ42 34 HRM Core Activities DN72 34 –New codes will be available for implementation in August 2012 –New units will be included as either/or choice within HNC/D Business frameworks and old units will continue to run for 2 years –Full credit transfer from old to new units –Credit transfer guidance available within HNC/D HRM and HNC/D –Management Arrangement Documents –New Assessment Exemplars in production

6 Updates to Frameworks Optional Units added –International Marketing DV8K 35 –French: Basic Operational Reading and Writing Skills F2F9 33 –French: Basic Operational Speaking and Listening SkillsF20P 33 –German: Basic Operational Reading and Writing Skillls F2FB 33 –German: Basic Operational Speaking and Listening Skills F20S 33 –Italian: Basic Operational Reading and Writing Skills F2FC 33 –Italian: Basic Operational Speaking and Listening Skills F20T 33 –Spanish: Basic Operational Reading and Writing Skillls F2FE 33 –Spanish: Basic Operational Speaking and Listening Skills F20W 33

7 Management of Frameworks Qualification Support Team (QST) – forum of subject specialists to provide advice and guidance to SQA Qualification Manager and Officers –Centre requests for addition of Units will be put to the QST to ensure consistency with aims of the Group Award (May of each year) –Centres should submit form DAVAL 2 Alteration to an existing Group Award to to request addition of a unit to an HN –Form available at

8 New Assessment Exemplars Published – Marketing: An Introduction F7BX 34 (2 nd ) Economic Issues: An Introduction F7J8 34 (2 nd ) Business Accounting F84M 34 (2 nd ) ITIB Spreadsheets F84V 34 (2 nd ) Graded Unit 1 F8LD (2 nd including re-sit) In Production Business Culture and Strategy F7J7 35 (2 nd ) Comm Analysing and Presenting Complex Comm DE3N 34 (2 nd ) ICT in Business F84W 35 (2 nd ) Managing People and Organisations F84T 34 (2 nd ) Feedback form

9 Understanding Standards Material Graded Unit 1: Exemplification of Marked Scripts A, B and C Grade Accessible at : > Select a subject – HN Beta > username hnauthor > password usw72 > HN AIT Graded Unit 1 (2010)

10 SOLAR Open Assess Formative assessments available 11 topic-based questions – Marketing: An Introduction 13 topic-based questions – Behavioural Skills for Business For access contact

11 Developments 2012/13 Internal Assessment Reports Centre/Candidate Survey Understanding Standards Scotlands Colleges – Money for Life Workshops


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