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E-Publishing School of Modern Languages AwayDay May 2005 Bill Hubbard SHERPA Project Manager University of Nottingham.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Publishing School of Modern Languages AwayDay May 2005 Bill Hubbard SHERPA Project Manager University of Nottingham."— Presentation transcript:

1 e-Publishing School of Modern Languages AwayDay May 2005 Bill Hubbard SHERPA Project Manager University of Nottingham

2 e-Publishing Material –e-journals –e-books –e-articles –e-papers –e-resources Methods –commercial access-controlled publishing –commercial open access publishing –open access repositories –online material for colleagues & students

3 Institutional repositories Digital collections that preserve and provide access to the intellectual output of an institution. May contain a variety of digital objects –eprints –etheses –book chapters –conference papers Open access encourages wider use of information assets

4 Repositories in context Supplementary to traditional publication Does not affect current research publication processes Gives easy access Gives rapid access Gives long-term access Increases readership and use of material value added services –hit counts on papers –personalised publications lists –citation analyses

5 Publication & Deposition Author writes paper Submits to journal Paper refereed Revised by author Author submits final version Published in journal Deposits in e-print repository

6 Possible concerns Subject base more natural ? –institutional infrastructure, view by subject Quality control ? –peer-review clearly labelled Plagiarism –old problem - and easier to detect Papers already on personal or departmental website –unstructured for access, search, preservation, RAE Threat to journals? –evidence shows co-existence possible - but in the future... ?

7 Repositories at Nottingham Nottingham ePrints Nottingham Modern Languages Publications Archive Nottingham eTheses

8 Nottingham ePrints Home Page

9 Department Listing

10 Critical Theory Listing

11 Tormey Metadata

12 Tormey pdf

13 Department page

14 Departmental publications page

15 Google - Millington

16 114th Result - Millington

17 MLPA Front page

18 Attwood Google

19 MLPA Usage - so far Since December 2003, 17,706 requests Average requests per day: 33

20 MLPA Usage - April 2005 Successful requests: 1,733 Average requests per day: 57

21 e-Publishing & e-Dissemination Commercial publishing models have adopted online distribution - and are changing... Repository use is growing Wide support for open access Benefits for research - and researchers RCUK position statement Opportunities for different dissemination routes in future


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