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Election and Campaign By: James Gregory Mr. Spruill 4B.

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Presentation on theme: "Election and Campaign By: James Gregory Mr. Spruill 4B."— Presentation transcript:

1 Election and Campaign By: James Gregory Mr. Spruill 4B

2 The Nominating Process Nomination- the naming of those who will seek office – in the critically important step in the election process. Nomination- the naming of those who will seek office – in the critically important step in the election process. Narrows down possible candidates. Narrows down possible candidates.

3 The Nominating Process Continued Caucus and Convention were important nominating methods in the past. Caucus and Convention were important nominating methods in the past. Direct Primary has largely replaced them. Direct Primary has largely replaced them. Self-announcements and petitions are also used today. Self-announcements and petitions are also used today.

4 5 ways nominations are made in the United States SELF ANNOUNCEMENT- oldest form, simply announces the fact. SELF ANNOUNCEMENT- oldest form, simply announces the fact. CAUCUS- group of like-minded people who meet to select the candidates they will support in the up coming election. CAUCUS- group of like-minded people who meet to select the candidates they will support in the up coming election. CONVENTION- took place of caucus CONVENTION- took place of caucus DIRECT PRIMARY- is and intra-party election held within a party to pick that party’s candidates for the general election. DIRECT PRIMARY- is and intra-party election held within a party to pick that party’s candidates for the general election. PETITION- most widely used method. PETITION- most widely used method.

5 Elections Held on the “Tuesday-after-the-first- Monday” in November. Held on the “Tuesday-after-the-first- Monday” in November. Avoids falling on Sunday to avoid the separation of church and state. Avoids falling on Sunday to avoid the separation of church and state. Prevents election day from falling on the first day of the month which is usually payday, adding campaign pressure. Prevents election day from falling on the first day of the month which is usually payday, adding campaign pressure.

6 …Early Voting Absentee voting Absentee voting –Those too ill or disabled to make it to polling place on day of election. –Those who expect to be away from home on election day. –Those serving in the armed forces.

7 Where to vote Precinct- voting district, smallest geographic unit for conduction election. Precinct- voting district, smallest geographic unit for conduction election. Polling place- place in your precinct where you vote. Polling place- place in your precinct where you vote. Casting your ballot, the device the voter registers their choice. Casting your ballot, the device the voter registers their choice.

8 The Campaign to Presidency Campaign Spending Campaign Spending –No set budget. –In 2000, $1.5 Billion and more for each election to follow.

9 Campaign Funds Funding Funding –Private contributors  Small contributors  Wealthy individuals  Candidates  Various non-party groups –PACs- Political action committees are political arms of special- interest groups with a major stake in public policy.  Temporary organizations –Public contributors  Subsidies from federal and state treasuries.  Subsidy is a grant of money usually from the government


11 Campaign Structure Nomination Campaign Nomination Campaign –Primaries and conventions General election campaign General election campaign –President avoids taking stands but pleasing the party activists Personal campaign Personal campaign –Candidate and family makes appearances  Speeches, press conferences, and meeting voters Organizational campaign Organizational campaign –Literature is distributed, staff organizes events, and everyone raises money. Media campaign Media campaign –TV and radio ads

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