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Effective Presentation Strategies Speech faculty will provide strategies for effective presentations. Participants will be given methods to provide effective.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Presentation Strategies Speech faculty will provide strategies for effective presentations. Participants will be given methods to provide effective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Presentation Strategies Speech faculty will provide strategies for effective presentations. Participants will be given methods to provide effective delivery, appropriate content, and effective speech organization. By Carolyn DeLecour and Joseph Coppola

2 What appeals to you in a presentation?  Your thoughts?  A good conversational style by the speaker  Good Content and organized structure  Interesting sensory aids  Audience Participation

3 Good Conversational Style We should aim for a conversational style with regard to enthusiasm, vocal expressiveness, emphasis, spontaneity, and fluency in our voice. Let’s try an activity Ben Stein from Ferris Buehler’s Day Off

4 I Have a Dream Activity On the sheet of paper provided…take a minute to finish the sentence I have a dream that… Be as creative as possible Provide it to the person next to you One of you say aloud in a conversational style what the other wrote Now switch

5 Good Conversational Style Maintain steady eye contact with your audience Use your hands when appropriate to complement your verbal message Stand in a confident and poised manner Use appropriate facial expressions

6 Creating Good Content Have something meaningful to say…remember that time is precious and each of your audience members is sacrificing their time to listen to you

7 Basic Content Structure Introduction  Attention Getter-Captivate audience at beginning  State Topic directly-what is your point  Provide the audience an incentive to listen  Why are you qualified to speak on the topic  Preview what is to follow to make it easier for the audience to follow along

8 Basic Content Structure Body-The Main Ideas you want to present  Signpost-to help audience follow along use words such as initially or first to tell the audience where you are in the presentation  State your idea via the use of main headings which are clear complete sentences that provide an organized division between main ideas  Support the idea based on research to include examples, definitions, comparisons, or testimony

9 Basic Content Structure Conclusion  Summarize by telling the audience what you want them to remember  Provide closure by telling the audience what you want them to do with the information

10 Let’s see if we can organize our speech now Partner with up to five people Open your envelope Each envelope contains different components to the introduction, body and conclusion Your job is to correctly correspond each cut out strip of paper to the structure discussed The winning groups will receive some sweet treats

11 Interesting Sensory Aids  Types of Sensory Aids Power Point Windows Movie Maker Audio Clips Objects themselves Poster Boards  Always Prepare your Sensory Aid

12 Audience Participation Involving your audience in your presentation helps them feel connected to it. How do you do it  Ask them questions  Give them an activity to do

13 Thank you for your time Please feel free to contact us at

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