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Basic Terms Used in Charting

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1 Basic Terms Used in Charting

2 Restoration – an agent that is effective in replacing the missing tooth structure. Patients may refer to them as fillings. A number of different materials are used in dental restorations, including gold, amalgam, and composite.

3 Overhang – excessive restorative material normally found interproximally near the gingiva.
Gold foil – a restoration created when several layers of pure gold are placed in the preparation. A gold foil is not a commonly placed restoration today.

4 Caries (decay) – diseased portion of the tooth
Caries (decay) – diseased portion of the tooth. Also referred to as cavities. Incipient – beginning decay that has not broken through the enamel. Appears as a chalky area on the tooth, it is not yet decay, but the surface has begun to decalcify. Recurrent – decay that is occurring in the same place again, either under or around a restoration.

5 Extraction – removal of a tooth or teeth.
Drifting – movement of a tooth into a space created by a missing tooth. Drifting can occur opposite or adjacent to the missing tooth. Impaction – a tooth that is unable to erupt into its proper position.

6 Abscess – a localized area of infection.
Root canal (endodontic treatment) – when the pulp is removed and replaced with a filling material. Apicoectomy – surgical removal of the root tip and cleaning out the infected area around it.

7 Mobility – When the tooth moves in the socket, normally due to periodontal disease or trauma.
Periodontal pocket - the space in the gingival sulcus created by periodontal disease. It is measured by a periodontal probe in millimeters.

8 Crown – a restoration that is cemented onto the tooth and completely covers the crown of the tooth. Often called a cap by the patient but not by the dental professional. Bridge – a prosthetic device placed in the mouth where a tooth is missing, normally attached on each side and covering the space created by the missing tooth.

9 Abutment – a tooth, root, or implant used for the retention of a fixed or removable prosthesis.
Pontic – portion of a bridge that replaces the missing tooth. Cantilever bridge – attached on one side only. Maryland bridge – has wings that attach the pontic to the lingual surface of the abutment teeth.

10 Denture – removable prosthesis that replaces the complete arch of a patient’s dentition.
Partial denture – removable prosthesis that is constructed when some of the natural teeth are still present. Artificial teeth mounted on a metal framework.

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