Mr. Luvera Chapter 1: Land of New York Unit 1: New York and It’s People.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Luvera Chapter 1: Land of New York Unit 1: New York and It’s People."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Luvera Chapter 1: Land of New York Unit 1: New York and It’s People

2 Looking at Earth Globe special map that is shaped like a sphere, or ball special map that is shaped like a sphere, or ball a model of Earth a model of Earth shows what the land and water look like on Earth shows what the land and water look like on Earth

3 Looking at Earth Continents large areas of land on Earth large areas of land on Earth seven continents seven continents Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America

4 Looking at Earth Map drawings of places on Earth drawings of places on Earth Cardinal Directions main directions of north, south, west, and east main directions of north, south, west, and east Intermediate Directions northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest

5 Looking at Earth Map Title - tell you what information is on the map - tell you what information is on the map Map Key - helps understand the colors or special symbols on a map - helps understand the colors or special symbols on a mapLocator - small map set into the main map - small map set into the main map - shows the location on Earth of the main map - shows the location on Earth of the main map Compass Rose - shows the cardinal directions - shows the cardinal directionsScale - shows the distance between two places on a map - shows the distance between two places on a map

6 Looking at Earth Equator imaginary line on Earth imaginary line on Earth divides the sphere of Earth in half (hemisphere) divides the sphere of Earth in half (hemisphere) “hemi” means half “hemi” means half

7 Looking at Earth Prime Meridian imaginary line on Earth that runs from North Pole to the South Pole imaginary line on Earth that runs from North Pole to the South Pole divides the Earth in half (hemisphere) divides the Earth in half (hemisphere)

8 Looking at Earth Hemisphere (4) all land and oceans north of the equator are in Northern Hemisphere all land and oceans north of the equator are in Northern Hemisphere all land and oceans south of the equator are in the Southern Hemisphere all land and oceans south of the equator are in the Southern Hemisphere all land and oceans west of the prime meridian are in the Western Hemisphere all land and oceans west of the prime meridian are in the Western Hemisphere all land and oceans east of the prime meridian are in the Eastern Hemisphere all land and oceans east of the prime meridian are in the Eastern Hemisphere

9 Looking at Earth

10 Special Purpose Maps Historical Map - shows information about the past and how things appeared at that time

11 Special Purpose Maps PoliticalMaps - shows cities, states and capitals

12 Special Purpose Maps Physical Map - shows the natural features of Earth - landform map


14 New York Landforms LandformsDefinitions glacier canyon moraine drumlin

15 Characteristics of Landforms mountainslakesvalleys

16 Rivers and Lakes CauseEffect rivershelped cities grow lakes Great Lakes harbor ocean

17 New York’s Waterways

18 Focus Lesson Review Question #5: What effect does each waterway have on New Yorkers? CauseEffect river dammed seashore rivers

19 New York’s Weather and Climate Weather and climate are affected by Weather and climate are affected by New York experiences precipitation in the form of New York experiences precipitation in the form of New York can sometimes experience extreme weather such as New York can sometimes experience extreme weather such as

20 Focus Lesson Review Question #5: What are some things that affect climate in New York?

21 Focus Review Question #5: How are resources such as water and fuels alike and different? Water - Forms of precipitation ex) snow, rain, sleet, hail - Renewable Resource Both -Liquids - Natural resources Fuels - gas, oil - Nonrenewable resource

22 Video Clip /big_idea_video/NY_Unit_1.swf /big_idea_video/NY_Unit_1.swf /big_idea_video/NY_Unit_1.swf /big_idea_video/NY_Unit_1.swf This short video clip shows natural features of New York State. This short video clip shows natural features of New York State.

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