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Map Skills Compass Rose.

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Presentation on theme: "Map Skills Compass Rose."— Presentation transcript:

1 Map Skills Compass Rose

2 Vocabulary Words A map is a flat drawing of all or parts of the Earth.

3 Vocabulary Words A globe is a model of the earth in the shape of a ball.

4 Vocabulary Words A compass rose is a symbol that helps someone find directions on a map

5 Vocabulary Words North, South, East, and West are the four cardinal directions on the compass rose. Click on the screen and the N, S, E, and W, will be circled

6 Use the compass to answer the following questions.
North America is west of Europe? North America West Europe Asia Africa Click to show North America is west of Europe South America Australia Antarctica

7 Use the compass to answer the following questions.
Which continent is South of Africa? North America Europe Asia Africa Click to show that Antarctica is South of Africa South America South Australia Antarctica

8 Use the compass to answer the following questions.
The Arctic Ocean is north of the Indian Ocean. Arctic Ocean No r t h North America Europe Asia Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean Africa Indian Ocean Click to show that the Arctic Ocean is north of the Indian Ocean South America Australia Antarctica

9 Use the compass to answer the following questions.
Which ocean is east of Asia? Arctic Ocean North America East Europe Asia Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean Africa Indian Ocean Click to show that the Pacific Ocean is east of Asia South America Australia Antarctica

10 Vocabulary Words NW NE SW SE
Northeast, Southeast, Northwest, and Southwest are the four intermediate directions on the compass rose. NW NE Click on the screen and NE, SE, SW, and NW, will appear on the page SW SE

11 Use the compass to answer the following questions.
South America is southwest of Europe? North America Europe Asia Southwest Africa Click to show South America is southwest of Europe South America Australia Antarctica

12 Use the compass to answer the following questions.
Which ocean is northwest of Australia? Arctic Ocean North America Europe Asia Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean Africa Indian Ocean Click to show that the Indian Ocean is northwest of Australia South America Northwest Australia Antarctica

13 Use the compass to answer the following questions.
Australia is southeast of Europe? North America Europe Asia Africa Southeast Click to show Australia is southeast of Europe South America Australia Antarctica

14 Use the compass to answer the following questions.
Which continent is northeast of Africa? North America Europe Asia Northeast Africa Click to show Asia is northeast of Africa South America Australia Antarctica

15 Arctic Ocean Asia North America Europe Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean
Africa Indian Ocean South America Pacific Ocean Australia Ask students questions about location of different oceans and continents Antarctica

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