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Chapter 9 - Muscles and Muscle Tissue $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100$100$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Skeletal Muscle Anatomy The Sliding Filament Theory Muscle.

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1 Chapter 9 - Muscles and Muscle Tissue $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100$100$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Skeletal Muscle Anatomy The Sliding Filament Theory Muscle Contraction How Does It Do That? Smooth Muscle FINAL ROUND

2 Skeletal Muscle Anatomy: $100 Question The connective tissue that covers each myofiber is the ________. a. endomysium b. epimysium c. perimysium d. sarcolemma BACK TO GAME ANSWER

3 Skeletal Muscle Anatomy: $100 Answer The connective tissue that covers each myofiber is the ________. a. endomysium b. epimysium c. perimysium d. sarcolemma BACK TO GAME

4 Skeletal Muscle Anatomy: $200 Question A sheet like extension of the epimysium is called ________. a. aponeurosis b. fascicle c. sarcoplasmic reticulum d. tendon BACK TO GAME ANSWER

5 Skeletal Muscle Anatomy: $200 Answer A sheet like extension of the epimysium is called ________. a. aponeurosis b. fascicle c. sarcoplasmic reticulum d. tendon BACK TO GAME

6 Skeletal Muscle Anatomy: $300 Question Thick filaments of the myofibril are a. actin b. titin c. myosin d. dystrophin BACK TO GAME ANSWER

7 Skeletal Muscle Anatomy: $300 Answer Thick filaments of the myofibril are a. actin b. titin c. myosin d. dystrophin BACK TO GAME

8 Skeletal Muscle Anatomy: $400 Question A muscle cell that lacks adequate ATP to detach myosin from actin displays a. recruitment b. wave summation c. twitch d. rigor mortis BACK TO GAME ANSWER

9 Skeletal Muscle Anatomy: $400 Answer A muscle cell that lacks adequate ATP to detach myosin from actin displays a. recruitment b. wave summation c. twitch d. rigor mortis BACK TO GAME

10 Skeletal Muscle Anatomy: $500 Question The single major characteristic of muscle is the a. ability to generate heat b. contract in unison c. ability to change chemical energy into mechanical energy d. generate tension BACK TO GAME ANSWER

11 Skeletal Muscle Anatomy: $500 Answer The single major characteristic of muscle is the a. ability to generate heat b. contract in unison c. ability to change chemical energy into mechanical energy d. generate tension BACK TO GAME

12 The Sliding Filament Theory: $100 Question When a muscle cell is at rest most of the intracellular calcium is found in the ___________. a. sarcoplasm b. t-tubule c. sarcoplasmic reticulum d. myosin heads BACK TO GAME ANSWER

13 The Sliding Filament Theory: $100 Answer When a muscle cell is at rest most of the intracellular calcium is found in the ___________. a. sarcoplasm b. t-tubule c. sarcoplasmic reticulum d. myosin heads BACK TO GAME

14 The Sliding Filament Theory: $200 Question Calcium ions will bind to ________ when present in the sarcoplasm. a. myosin heads b. ATP c. myosin binding sites d. troponin BACK TO GAME ANSWER

15 The Sliding Filament Theory: $200 Answer Calcium ions will bind to ________ when present in the sarcoplasm. a. myosin heads b. ATP c. myosin binding sites d. troponin BACK TO GAME

16 The Sliding Filament Theory: $300 Question What substance must bind to myosin heads in order for the heads to detach from the thin filaments? a. calcium b. ATP c. troponin d. sodium BACK TO GAME ANSWER

17 The Sliding Filament Theory: $300 Answer What substance must bind to myosin heads in order for the heads to detach from the thin filaments? a. calcium b. ATP c. troponin d. sodium BACK TO GAME

18 The Sliding Filament Theory: $400 Question Calcium is released from the terminal cisternae in response to an action potential that is generated by this neurotransmitter a. calcitonin b. dystrophin c. acetylcholine d. glucogon BACK TO GAME ANSWER

19 The Sliding Filament Theory: $400 Answer Calcium is released from the terminal cisternae in response to an action potential that is generated by this neurotransmitter a. calcitonin b. dystrophin c. acetylcholine d. glucogon BACK TO GAME

20 The Sliding Filament Theory: $500 Question The muscle contraction shortens this unit of a muscle a. perimysium b. sarcomere c. T tubule d. triad BACK TO GAME ANSWER

21 The Sliding Filament Theory: $500 Answer The muscle contraction shortens this unit of a muscle a. perimysium b. sarcomere c. T tubule d. triad BACK TO GAME

22 Muscle Contraction: $100 Question This period of time occurs until repolarization is complete a. latent b. depolarization c. treppe d. refractory period BACK TO GAME ANSWER

23 Muscle Contraction: $100 Answer This period of time occurs until repolarization is comlete a. latent b. depolarization c. treppe d. refractory period BACK TO GAME

24 Muscle Contraction: $200 Question These are the rodlike elements that make up a muscle cell a. Sarcomere b. Myofibrils c. Variscosities d. vesicles BACK TO GAME ANSWER

25 Muscle Contraction: $200 Answer BACK TO GAME These are the rodlike elements that make up a muscle cell a. Sarcomere b. Myofibrils c. Variscosities d. vesicles

26 Muscle Contraction: $300 Question The mechanism by which a skeletal muscle shortens is called a. Z band contraction b. Sliding filament mechanisms c. Peristaltic motion d. Isotonic contraction BACK TO GAME ANSWER

27 Muscle Contraction: $300 Answer The mechanism by which a skeletal muscle shortens is called a. Z band contraction b. Sliding filament mechanisms c. Peristaltic motion d. Isotonic contraction BACK TO GAME

28 Muscle Contraction: $400 Question Which type of muscle contraction occurs when the muscle shortens which lifts a load a. isometric b. concentric c. eccentric d. isotonic BACK TO GAME ANSWER

29 Muscle Contraction: $400 Answer Which type of muscle contraction occurs when the muscle shortens which lifts a load a. isometric b. concentric c. eccentric d. isotonic BACK TO GAME

30 Muscle Contraction: $500 Question This type of contraction which alternates the longitudinal and circular layers of the smooth muscle is called a. isometric b. peristalsis c. Slow oxidative d. Fast twitch BACK TO GAME ANSWER

31 Muscle Contraction: $500 Answer This type of contraction which alternates the longitudinal and circular layers of the smooth muscle is called a. isometric b. peristalsis c. Slow oxidative d. Fast twitch BACK TO GAME

32 How Does It Do That? $100 Question These release neurotransmitters into the wide synaptic cleft of smooth muscles a. varicosities b. axon terminals c. dense bodies d. diffuse junctions BACK TO GAME ANSWER

33 How Does It Do That? $100 Answer These release neurotransmitters into the wide synaptic cleft of smooth muscles a. varicosities b. axon terminals c. dense bodies d. diffuse junctions BACK TO GAME

34 How Does It Do That: $200 Question Smooth muscle appears _________and is considered a. Unstriated and voluntary b. Striated and voluntary c. Striated and involuntary d. Unstriated and involuntary BACK TO GAME ANSWER

35 How Does It Do That?: $200 Answer Smooth muscle appears _________and is considered a. Unstriated and voluntary b. Striated and voluntary c. Striated and involuntary d. Unstriated and involuntary BACK TO GAME

36 How Does It Do That: $300 Question That major contribution of the sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle is the regulation of a. ATP b. Calcium c. Acetycholine d. Creatine phosphate BACK TO GAME ANSWER

37 How Does It Do That: $300 Answer That major contribution of the sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle is the regulation of a. ATP b. Calcium c. Acetycholine d. Creatine phosphate BACK TO GAME

38 How Does It Do That? $400 Question This substance quickly degrades acetylcholine following the action potential a. calmodulin b. myosin kinase c. caveolae d. acetylcholinesterase BACK TO GAME ANSWER

39 How Does It Do That?: $400 Answer This substance quickly degrades acetylcholine following the action potential a. calmodulin b. myosin kinase c. caveolae d. acetylcholinesterase BACK TO GAME

40 How Does It Do That?: $500 Question The ability of the muscle cell to respond to stimuli is a. contractility b. extensibility c. Excitability or irritability d. elasticity BACK TO GAME ANSWER

41 How Does It Do That?: $500 Answer The ability of the muscle cell to respond to stimuli is a. contractility b. extensibility c. Excitability or irritability d. elasticity BACK TO GAME

42 Smooth Muscle: $100 Question Which of the following is present in smooth muscle? a. sarcomeres b. t-tubules c. sarcolemma d. triads BACK TO GAME ANSWER

43 Smooth Muscle: $100 Answer Which of the following is present in smooth muscle? a. sarcomeres b. t-tubules c. sarcolemma d. triads BACK TO GAME

44 Smooth Muscle: $200 Question Smooth muscle cells can contract as a unit due to the presence of __________. a. dense bodies b. gap junctions c. diffuse junctions d. motor end plates BACK TO GAME ANSWER

45 Smooth Muscle: $200 Answer Smooth muscle cells can contract as a unit due to the presence of __________. a. dense bodies b. gap junctions c. diffuse junctions d. motor end plates BACK TO GAME

46 Smooth Muscle: $300 Question Calcium binds to this substance in smooth muscle. a. tropinin b. calmodulin c. ATP d. myosin kinase BACK TO GAME ANSWER

47 Smooth Muscle: $300 Answer Calcium binds to this substance in smooth muscle. a. tropinin b. calmodulin c. ATP d. myosin kinase BACK TO GAME

48 Smooth Muscle: $400 Question Smooth muscle are considered a. involuntary and non striated b. voluntary and non striated c. voluntary and striated d. involuntary and striated BACK TO GAME ANSWER

49 Smooth Muscle: $400 Answer Smooth muscle are considered a. involuntary and non striated b. voluntary and non striated c. voluntary and striated d. involuntary and striated BACK TO GAME

50 Smooth Muscle: $500 Question Some smooth muscle fibers in the stomach and small intestine act to set the contractile pace for the entire muscle sheet. These are a. gap junctions b. dense bodies c. caveolae d. pacemakers BACK TO GAME ANSWER

51 Smooth Muscle: $500 Answer Some smooth muscle fibers in the stomach and small intestine act to set the contractile pace for the entire muscle sheet. These are a. gap junctions b. dense bodies c. caveolae d. pacemakers BACK TO GAME

52 FINAL ROUND Question The propagation of an electrical current along the sarcolemma triggered by ACh is called the….. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

53 FINAL ROUND Answer Action potential BACK TO GAME

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