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Welcome to EAGLE SPRINGS ELEMENTARY Eagle Points Eagle Points for Parents for Parents 2015-16 2015-16 You can find this presentation on our website at.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to EAGLE SPRINGS ELEMENTARY Eagle Points Eagle Points for Parents for Parents 2015-16 2015-16 You can find this presentation on our website at."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to EAGLE SPRINGS ELEMENTARY Eagle Points Eagle Points for Parents for Parents 2015-16 2015-16 You can find this presentation on our website at

2 ESE’s VISION We envision Eagle Springs Elementary to be a school where: ALL CHILDREN Feel safe, happy, and loved Show respect for themselves and others Receive daily academic challenge and support ALL PARENTS Feel welcomed, supported, and informed Are valued as educational partners ALL STAFF MEMBERS Are highly-skilled and knowledgeable professionals Are enthusiastic, caring, positive individuals ESE’s MOTTO EVERY STUDENT EVERY DAY!

3 ESE’s Front Office Staff is Here to Help You! April Maldonado Principal (281) 641-3102 Donna Burkhardt Assistant Principal (281) 641-3112 Front Office Hours 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Phone (281) 641-3100 Fax (281) 641-3117 Absence Line (281 641-3103 Front Office Staff: Shannon Follis Secretary Jammie Welch Registrar/Attendance Josette Zuklic Mr. Tom To excuse an absence, parents must send in a written note OR call the Absence Line.

4 Key Features News Check out the latest district wide and school news all in one place! Calendar Events Add events to the calendar on your personal mobile device directly from the calendar section on the app. Home Access Center Access student grades and attendance. Humble Independent School District Mobile App Now Available

5 Stay Informed of ESE Happenings! For up-to-date information, read our electronic newsletter, the EAGLE EYE, every Tuesday! The Eagle Eye is posted to the ESE website every Tuesday and you can receive it via email by logging into Home Access Center and checking that your emai laddress is correct for Guardian 1 and Guardian 2. If you have another family member (grandparent, sibling) who needs to receive important information, such as Inclement Weather Dismissal alerts, have them download the Humble ISD App & choose to receive push notifications from ESE! Follow us on Twitter! @ESE_Humble Remind 101 will no longer be used for school-wide text messages. Instead, text messages will be sent from ESE Connect using the cell phone numbers for Guardians in Home Access Center. Teachers will continue to use Remind 101 for classroom text message reminders and updates.

6 All ESE students are expected to SOAR!  S = SAFE  O = ORGANIZED  A = ACCOUNTABLE  R = RESPECTFUL

7 Mornings at ESE We greet every child, every day with a smile!  No student drop off before 7:30 a.m.  7:30-7:50 a.m. Students read in grade level hallways  7:50 a.m. Classes begin  Arrive 8:05 a.m. or later = TARDY  Students arriving after 8:15 a.m. must be walked in by a parent/guardian.

8 Car & Bus Rider Drop Off 7:30-8:00 a.m. daily Playground Car Rider Line (Eagle Springs Pkwy) ALL Kindergarten students & siblings Cottage Grove Sutters Creek Preston Village Arlington Park Newfield Park Chandlers Crossing The Groves Cafeteria Car Rider Line (Will Clayton Pkwy) Laurel Woods Logan Ridge Cross Creek Meadow Lake Meadow Lodge Sierra Bridge Transfer Students Front Lane of School (Will Clayton Pkwy) Buses Daycares Special Needs classes CAR RIDERS may NOT be dropped off in the FRONT.

9 Walker & Biker Arrival 7:30-8:00 a.m. daily Crossing Guards will be on duty at 7:30 a.m. North of Will Clayton Parkway~ Cross through the tunnel. South of Will Clayton Parkway~ Cross at playground/sports complex. Students will not cross Will Clayton Parkway.

10 Kindergarten Dismissal 1:50 p.m. daily WalkersCar RidersDaycare & Bus Riders YMCA * Parents who wish to walk their students home will meet students at back double doors next to back Kinder playground. * Students will not be released to walk alone. * All Kinder students will be picked up in the Playground Side Car Rider Line. *Name card must be displayed in window. *Parents may not walk up to the car rider line for a student. *Daycare/bus riders will be picked up in the Front Lane. *YMCA staff members pick up Kinder students from the Kinder hallway and escort them to the Cafeteria for the afterschool program.

11 First-Fifth Grade Dismissal 3:20 p.m. daily Front Walkers & Bikers Back Walkers & Bikers Cafeteria Car Rider Line Playground Car Rider Line Front Lane of School YMCA Program tunnel Students will be escorted to the tunnel to walk/bike home. behind Students will be escorted behind the school to walking path or to cross Eagle Springs Parkway. car Students picked up by car who live in : Laurel Woods Logan Ridge Cross Creek Meadow Lake, Meadow Lodge Sierra Bridge Transfer Students *Name card must be displayed in window. *Parents may not walk up to the car rider line for a student. car Students picked up by car who live in : Cottage Grove Sutters Creek Preston Village Arlington Park Newfield Park Chandlers Crossing The Groves *Name card must be displayed in window. *Parents may not walk up to the car rider line for a student. Pick up of students who: Are picked up by a bus/ daycare. Special Needs Are in Safety Patrol (after 3:40) The YMCA after school program is held in the cafeteria.

12 Parents may not park their cars and walk up to the school to retrieve students at dismissal.  ESE is so fortunate to have 2 car rider lines! SAFETYALL  All students going home by car must be in a car rider line. This guideline will ensure the SAFETY of ALL students.

13 The following practices are DANGEROUS and are not allowed at ESE.  Walking up to a car rider line to retrieve a student.  Parking along the curb and attempting to motion a walking child out of the walkers line, across a street or parking lot.  Cutting in line or driving erratically through the car rider line.  Sending someone to pick up your child who is NOT on the Emergency Card.  Telling a child to go home a different way, without notifying the child’s teacher.

14 Inclement Weather Dismissal In the event of LIGHT RAIN ONLY, parents will be notified electronically at 3:00 via text message/email with this message: “RAINY DAY DISMISSAL” On the Inclement Weather Dismissal Plan Form, parents will indicate if their child will has permission or not to walk/bike home in light rain. If not, student will be dismissed: Cafeteria Car Rider (if usually FRONT walker/biker) Playground Car Rider (if usually BACK walker/biker) In the event of HEAVY RAIN, LIGHTNING, OR WARNINGS, parents will be notified electronically at 3:00 via text message/email with this message: “SEVERE WEATHER DISMISSAL. ALL STUDENTS WILL BE DISMISSED VIA CAR RIDER LINES” Cafeteria Car Rider (if usually FRONT walker/biker) Playground Car Rider (if usually BACK walker/biker) Inclement Weather Dismissal ONLY affects students who are WALKERS/BIKERS. All other students will follow their regular dismissal plan – rain or shine! Parents may NOT park and walk to the front for students during Inclement Weather.

15 Attendance & Early Check Out OFFICIAL ATTENDANCE TIME = 9:20 Students not present at 9:20 will be marked absent. Students who are not present at 9:20, but come in that same day with a note from a doctor or dental office, will be counted present. To EXCUSE an absence, parents must:  send in a written note  send an email to or  call the Absence Line at 281-641-3103 Students must be signed in and out through the front office, and will only be allowed to leave with persons indicated by parent on the emergency card. Students may not be checked out during the last half hour of the day, 2:50-3:20 p.m. If you need to check out your child for an appointment, you must do so prior to 2:50.

16 Specials at ESE All 1 st -5 th students will attend Specials every day for 1 hour. We follow a 6 Day Rotation. Every 6 days students will attend: Music, Library, Computers, PE (twice), and Art /or Science Lab. The Specials Schedule is available on ESE’s website and from homeroom teachers. Please make sure student wear tennis shoes on PE days! Kinder students will experience shorter Specials classes during Early Release days.

17 Early Release Days Students will be released at 12:00: Aug 28 (Friday) Sept 15 (Wednesday) Sept 30 (Wednesday) Oct 28 (Wednesday) Oct 29 (Thursday) Dec 2 (Wednesday) Dec 18 (Friday) Feb 3 (Wednesday) Mar 2 (Wednesday) May 18 (Wednesday) June 2 (Thursday) Lunch will be available for purchase on Early Release days Students may:  Purchase lunch from the cafeteria  Bring a lunch from home  Opt to bring just a snack, if planning to eat after dismissal

18 Parent Conferences Please call or email your child’s teacher anytime you have questions or concerns! 2015 Fall Parent Conference Dates Wednesday, October 28 Thursday, October 29 Every student is required to have a fall conference.

19 SAFETY The safety of students and staff is our highest priority. Some of the safety measures we implement are:  All visitors are required to show i.d. and wear identification in the building.  Check-out and dismissal procedures are strictly followed.  Monthly emergency drills are held.  Any suspicious activity is immediately investigated.  Anti-bullying lessons are presented to students.  Walkers/bikers are not released during severe weather.  Security cameras monitor the campus at all times.  All exterior doors remain locked, except the front door, which has a secure vestibule. Contact Mrs. Maldonado or Mrs.Burkhardt if you have any safety concerns!

20 Student Electronics Student Electronics YESYES Purpose: Communication with parents after school. Must be turned OFF and stored in backpack during school day. Students may not use cell phones during the school day for any reason. Cell Phones YESYES Purpose: Silent reading of personally downloaded books May only be used only under direction of teacher; misuse will result in loss of privilege. Nook~Kindle~ iPad~Tablets NONO Keep at home! Gaming Units~ iPods Any phones or electronics brought to school is at the risk of the student/parent. ESE is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

21 Dress Code Dress Code Full Dress Code can be found in the Humble ISD Parent/Student Handbook. Highlights for elementary students:  Hair should be neat, clean, & non- disruptive; unnatural colors not allowed.  NO hats, sunglasses, makeup, tattoos, excessively loose or tight clothing.  For boys: NO earrings, sleeveless shirts.  NO “short shorts” (must be between knee & mid-thigh)  NO flip-flops!  Tennis shoes required on P.E. days. Helpful Hints LABEL ALL JACKETS, LUNCH KITS, ETC. with student name. Keep a jacket or sweater in your backpack. Sometimes it is chilly in the classrooms. Unclaimed items in Lost & Found are donated to charity twice/year. Every FRIDAY is SPIRIT DAY Wear your ESE shirt!

22 Eating at School Breakfast = $1.40 (served 7:30-8:00 a.m.) Lunch = $2.20 Frozen Treats - $0.75 ($0.50 if purchased for the class to celebrate a birthday)  We recommend all parents set up a My School Bucks online account at This gives parents an easy, secure way to add money to their children's accounts, check account balances, and monitor what items have been purchased.  Parents who do not have a My School Bucks account may send cash or checks to school with their child to deposit into accounts.  Students without money in their account will be given a sandwich/milk for lunch.  Parents are welcome to join students for lunch. Parents are allowed to bring in outside food for their child only. It may not be shared with other children. Check the EAGLE EYE or the Humble ISD App for menus! Monthly menus may be printed from

23 Celebrations at ESE Celebrations at ESE Winter Class Parties Friday, December 18 PK-2 nd 9:15 – 10:15 a.m. 3 rd -5 th 10:45 – 11:45 a.m. Friendship Class Parties Friday, February 12 PK-2 nd 12:45 – 1:45 p.m. 3 rd -5 th 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. BIRTHDAYS Parents or grandparents are permitted to recognize a child’s birthday with treats for the child’s class during lunch. We encourage parents to buy frozen treats from our cafeteria for these occasions! This will minimize the risk to our students with allergies and, also, minimize the disruption to the class. If you do choose to bring treats in, please check with the teacher first regarding any allergies in the class. Also, only bring in 1 treat (cookies, cupcakes, or ice cream cups) Bringing multiple food items is not allowed. These are NOT allowed at ESE to recognize birthdays: *Balloons *Goodie Bags *Gifts *Candles Invitations to parties/events held outside of school may not be distributed at school.

24 Visit the ESE PTO Facebook Page! Join ESE’s PTO! What does PTO do for ESE? Family Events: Back to School Dance (Sept 11) BINGO Night (Oct 17) Classroom Supplies Large Projects – playground awning, iPads Winter & Friendship Parties Beautification Teacher Appreciation Volunteers Red Ribbon Week Rebates …and lots more! Each ESE family can join PTO for $5

25 Thank you! Contact Mrs. Maldonado or Mrs. Burkhardt if you have questions or concerns! You can find this presentation on our website.

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