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Megan M. 5 th period. Setting  The setting is the first day of school, in 1967 called Camilo Jr. High. It is a 3 story building. The first floor is for.

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Presentation on theme: "Megan M. 5 th period. Setting  The setting is the first day of school, in 1967 called Camilo Jr. High. It is a 3 story building. The first floor is for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Megan M. 5 th period

2 Setting  The setting is the first day of school, in 1967 called Camilo Jr. High. It is a 3 story building. The first floor is for 5 th graders,2 nd floor is for 6 th graders, and the 3 rd is for 7 th graders. The setting is important because the setting tells you where its taking place.

3 Characters CharacterPhysical Characteristics Adjectives of Personality Text Evidence /Explanation of Adjectives Holling1.Kid in Jr. High1.rude1. I was supposed to wait till you put your fingers there. 2.dirty blonde hair2.Passive2. “Ok lets do that” 3.about 5,33. Paranoid3. Why does Mrs. Baker have to hate me. Mrs. Baker1.Teacher1.Portrayed1. Ok now you will go get the supplies form down stairs. 2.about in her 30s2. Protagonist2. One of the main Characters. 3.Green eyes3.Antagonist3.Mrs.Baker hates me Holling siad.

4 Conflict  The conflict is Man vs. Man. Holling thinks Mrs. Baker (a teacher at Camilo Jr. High)hates him so he has to spend Wednesday afternoons with Mrs. Baker until school is out they may be really mean to each other at first but they become good friends.

5 Summary of Plot  A book about a boy named Holling who goes to this school, called Camilo Jr. High. On Wednesdays his is the only kid in the school at 2:00. if you live on one side of the town you attend this church on Wednesdays afternoons and, if you live on the other you attend the other church. Holling lives in the middle of town. So on Wednesdays he is left at school with Mrs. Baker. She's a teacher the he thinks hates him but they become really good friends.

6 Theme  Never judge someone for who you think they are.  Text Evidence 1: “Mrs. Baker hates me!” says Holling. Page#2  Text Evidence 2: Eventually you will pass out and let go. page#72  Text Evidence 3: see that’s the kind of stuff to get teachers to hate you. page#33

7 Point of View  The point of view for the book Wednesday Wars is 1 st person. The point of view is told form Holling (main character). If the author choose a different point of view the whole story would be different. The point of view helps the reader understand his life.

8 Symbolism  Shakespeare plays are the plays Mrs. Baker teaches to Holling on Wednesday afternoons. They cover Tempest, Romeo and Juliet, and several other plays.

9 Recommendation  It was a good book. It tells a story about a kid and a teacher. You could maybe be in a similar situation and want to know how to handle it and what another person did. It tells a valuable lesson not to judge someone for who you think they are. I recommend reading this book.

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