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Research Infrastructures in the European Research Area Presentation NuPECC LRP 2010 Brussels, 9 December 2010 Christian Kurrer European Commission, DG.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Infrastructures in the European Research Area Presentation NuPECC LRP 2010 Brussels, 9 December 2010 Christian Kurrer European Commission, DG."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Infrastructures in the European Research Area Presentation NuPECC LRP 2010 Brussels, 9 December 2010 Christian Kurrer European Commission, DG Research

2 Importance of RI Essential for researchers to stay at the forefront of research development in all S&T fields Allow training thousands of researchers and technicians in the most advanced technologies Attract the best researchers from across the world Key component of competitiveness in both basic and applied research Research Infrastructures

3 European Dimension Researchers find most suited RI often located in another MS Facilities need to attract large community of users to make best possible use Financial cost and scientific complexity requires pooling of ressources Research Infrastructures

4 European Commission Support European Commission support for key RI since FP2 (1980s) Making existing facilities more accessible (I3 scheme) Supporting new facilities (Design studies, Implementation) Participation in the policy development process (ESFRI, ERIC) Research Infrastructures

5 European Commission policy on RI … a key component for the construction of the Research Infrastructures European Research Area The aim is to give researchers, research institutions and businesses access to a Europe-wide open space for knowledge and technologies in which transnational synergies and complementarities are fully exploited. To enable them to freely circulate, compete and co-operate across borders.

6 A key component of the EU strategy for ERA Optimising research programmes and priorities Sharing knowledge Opening to the world through international cooperation in S&T Developing world- class research infrastructures Realising a single labour market for researchers ERA Excellent research institutions and universities

7 l Europe 2020: A European strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth l Innovation Union: EU 2020 flagship initiative -A new strategic research and innovation approach -To tackle major societal challenges, raise competitiveness and generate new jobs EU perspectives

8 Important role of RI to enable ground-breaking research and innovation Innovation Union commitments: To open Member State operated RI to the full European user community To complete or launch the construction of 60% of the ESFRI projects by 2015 To reach by 2012 an agreement with international partners on the development of global scale RI EU perspectives

9 Building on successful FP7 support action for RI Need to increase the level of support for RI and to optimise their impact Need to further support the implementation of the ESFRI roadmap Need to foster the innovation potential of RI and links with industry Towards FP8 based on the lessons learnt

10 Thank you for your interest

11 For further information Europe 2020 Innovation Union European Research Area EC RI Policy and Support Measures

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