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Grade 6 Ms. Ashley. Week 3Do Now 1 Sunday, September 21st, 2014  Question: Answer the following in complete sentences.  1. What time does the school.

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 6 Ms. Ashley. Week 3Do Now 1 Sunday, September 21st, 2014  Question: Answer the following in complete sentences.  1. What time does the school."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 6 Ms. Ashley

2 Week 3Do Now 1 Sunday, September 21st, 2014  Question: Answer the following in complete sentences.  1. What time does the school day end?  2. What is the Speech teacher’s name?  3. What period is Middle School lunch?

3 Week 3Do Now 2 Tuesday, September 24th, 2014  FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ONLY:  1. TAKE OUT YOUR DO NOW FROM SUNDAY  2. WRITE YOUR NAME ON THE NEW SPEECH PAPER  3. SIT QUIETLY- I will choose quiet students as helpers

4 Missing Work is hurting your grade Announcement

5 Materials Check -If you didn’t show me your materials last Sunday, it is a 0 -Names I have… -You may show me today, but I will count 2 late days- it is not my job to chase you for late work.

6 Do Now Week #2 -Should be on the DO NOW PAPER -MISSING SUNDAY -Everyweek the procedure is to hand it in on Wednesday for both Sunday and Wednesday on the SAME PAPER -I will accept today for minus one day late

7 Late Policy -Late work is -10 points per day -I do not accept late work after one week after the original due date. -Today is the last day to show me materials because it was originally due LAST SUNDAY

8 Your Quiz -Complete sentences -Some didn’t read directions (Write 5 things, or 2 things) -Some didn’t answer the right question

9 Announcement: BINDER CHECK -In one month, I will give you your first binder check for a quiz grade. -Please make sure your binder is organized, that you are keeping notes and handouts in the correct sections.

10  1- Do Now  2- Weekly Vocabulary  3- Class Notes  4- Speeches/Compositions  5- Portfolio

11 Due Today


13 First Speech Assignment  You must speak about yourself  You must choose two topics from Miss Ashley’s list  For each topic you must write three things about yourself  You also must include an introduction to say hello to the audience and tell them what you are going to be talking about.  At the end you must say why the topics you have chosen are important to you.

14 Example introduction – Miss Ashley  Hello everyone. My name is Miss Ashley. Today I am going to give a speech about myself. I have chosen to talk about my interests and something I have done in my life.

15 Continue Working on your Speech  On a THE SAME piece of paper  Look through Miss Ashley’s list and choose a second topic which you are going to talk about.  Write three sentences about that topic that you can say in your speech.  If you finish early you may start working on your introduction.  At the end you must say why the topics you have chosen are important to you.

16 Exit Ticket  For your classwork grade today and exit ticket today, you must draw a picture that shows the four vocabulary words of today.  Public Speaking, Speech, Audience, Posture

17 Let’s go over the answers together


19 What will we learn this year?

20 There are two parts to Speech Two Meanings  Definition #1 Speech – an essay we say to an audience (public speaking)  Definition #2 Speech – the study of the way people talk

21 Pubic Speaking  What is public speaking?  Public speaking is speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners

22 Speech  A speech is a spoken expression of ideas, opinions, etc., that is made by someone who is speaking in front of a group of people; something spoken

23 Writing a Speech  What is a speech?  A speech is an essay we read or say in front of a group of people.

24 Audience  An audience is a group of people who gather together to listen to something (such as a concert) or watch something (such as a movie or play) : the people who attend a performance  : the people who watch, read, or listen to something

25 Posture  Posture is the way in which your body is positioned when you are sitting or standing.

26 Pronunciation  The way a person pronounces (says) a Word. The way a Word or language is spoken.

27 Enunciation  to pronounce words or parts of words clearly, articulate.

28 Introduction  The part that serves to introduce anything (book, speech, essay, etc); the beginning

29 Vowel  a letter representing a vowel sound, such as a, e, i, o, u. In speech, open sounds.

30 Consonant  A speech sound that is not a vowel. It also refers to letters of the alphabet that represent those sounds. Examples - Z, B, T, G, and H

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