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La France Political system Actors and institutions Political culture.

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2 La France Political system Actors and institutions Political culture

3 Un Peu D’Histoire Pre-Revolution Revolution Regimes since Revolution –5 republics –3 monarchies –2 empires –1 fascist puppet state Regime instability

4 Encore d’Histoire 1st Republic (1792-99) –popular sovereignty –Declaration of the Rights of Man –inauguration of more secular power 2nd Republic (1848-52) –universal male suffrage –election of President by popular vote 3rd Republic (1875-1940) –disestablishment of the church –executive made responsible to Parliament

5 Encore plus d’histoire Republicanism - the default system But enduring pre-republican patterns Tradition of political change combined with socio-cultural conservatism

6 The 4th Republic (1946-58) End of WWII - republicanism dominant credo but conflict about form constitution eventually agreed (hated by de Gaulle) lack of strong executive President as figurehead Prime Minister chosen by and responsible to legislature

7 4th Republic - Problems No coherent or stable majorities 25 governments in 12 years civil servants more influential than politicians (technocratic) But some good points … However, French generals not happy … And then there was Algeria

8 The 5th Republic (1958 - today) A coup d’état? How different from 4th Republic? Much stronger executive (quasi-monarchical?) Plebiscitary features Reacting to different circumstances

9 La Constitution Popular election of President Strong Presidential powers Incompatibility of cabinet office with parliamentary mandate Referenda Traditional Republican features Constitutional adaptation relatively easy

10 L’État Unitary Democratic Republic Elected President Strong executive Traditionally centralised administration

11 Le Système Politique The President The Prime Minister Parliament The National Assembly The Senate Sub-state territorial government

12 L’Exécutif Dual Executive –President –Prime Minister Cohabitation Powerful Assisted by powerful and prestigious bureaucratic élite

13 La Législature 5th Republic different from 4th National Assembly Rules of procedure Bills Accumulation of mandates Not the centre of French political life Senate Conservative Limited power

14 Les Faiblesses du Parlement Weak Parliament? 5th Republic - paradoxical position Constitutional reduction of powers from 4th Republic executive power not to emanate from Parliament restrictions in legislative competence Government sets agenda and timetable Committee structure weakened Financial powers constrained Limited power to force government from office Government able to legislate by decree

15 Les Faiblesses (cont.) Extra-Constitutional weaknesses: Prime Ministers treat Parliament with disdain Too much work Deputies frequently indifferent to Government abuse of power Debates not well attended Scope of policies considered limited Lack of effective, coherent opposition

16 C’est pour quoi, le Parlement? Rubber stamp executive decisions? Taken for granted? Senate can be hostile (especially to Left) Amendments are increasing Parliamentary Commissions do expose wrongdoing Parliament may submit laws to Constitutional Council if unhappy

17 Les Partis et les Elections Elections President National Assembly Senate

18 La Gauche et La Droite Political Parties Long history of left and right Parties or political families? Left/right poles fragmenting? The Left The Right The Extreme Right Others

19 La Culture Politique Étatisme - state centrality Dirigisme - state managed capitalism Nationalism Rural outlook? Protectionist? Long tradition of democracy but flaws in democratic behaviour?

20 Les Traits Français ? (Gérard Mermet) taste for comfort instinct for private property collective laziness hexagonal vision of reality penchant for abstraction admiration for the intellectual the sanctification of the national past orientation towards the local concern with aesthetics immobility and fear of outsiders

21 Plus ça change ? Increasing societal cynicism? Change in political activism A demystification of the state? French exceptionalism Or are political attitudes and behaviour increasingly resembling those of other W Europeans?

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