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Presented by Helene Karo February 8, 2013 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue,

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1 Presented by Helene Karo February 8, 2013 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616 1

2 2 Collecting Teacher/Course Data  Goal: ◦ Establish link between teacher assignment, student enrollment and student attendance over the duration of a course (TSDL). ◦ Establish link between principal and student. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

3 3 How Are Data Being Collected?  Teacher Student Data Linkage (TSDL) data collection is drawing from the master schedule. It must be constructed so that all teachers are assigned to the courses and students are enrolled in the courses.  Previously, elementary grades, in general, were not usually scheduled.  Now elementary courses need to be scheduled so that: ◦ Course duration can be collected ◦ Student attendance (for seat time) in the course can be collected ◦ Teacher and student start and end dates can be collected. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

4 4 What Data Are Being Collected?  NYSED is collecting linkage duration information for all courses and teachers.  For 12-13, master schedules on the elementary and secondary level will include not just ELA, math and science, but music, art, phys ed, AIS, etc. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

5 5 APPR Guidance “Guidance on New York State’s Annual Professional Performance Review for Teachers and Principals to implement Education Law 3012-c and the Commissioner’s Regulations” (August 13, 2012) appr-field-guidance.pdf  Section “M” is the Data Management section for 2012-13. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

6 6 How Are Data Being Collected?  What needs to be determined to set up your master schedule? ◦ The amount of time a course meets daily or, the weekly average for the course. ◦ Instructional calendars, or the total number of days that a course is scheduled to meet. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

7 7 How Are Data Being Collected? Districts do not have to change how they currently report attendance. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

8 8 Collecting Teacher/Course Data  Data collection for TSDL: ◦ Staff snapshot (teacher data) ◦ Staff assignment (principal data) ◦ Course information ◦ Staff student course data linkages ◦ Staff evaluation ratings Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

9 9 Staff Snapshot  For 12-13, NYSED will be collecting the following additional teacher data in the Staff Snapshot: ◦ Original Hire Date ◦ For 12-13—first time hired in district no matter the position. ◦ For 13-14—first time hired in either teacher or principal position. ◦ Tenure Date* ◦ Exit Date, if applicable  For 12-13, the Staff Snapshot data will most likely be pulled from the Human Resource System or another program of your district’s choosing that holds staff information. *Initial tenure date within the reporting entity. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

10 10 How Are Data Being Collected?  Internal processes should be established to make sure data are being reviewed and corrected on a regular basis. Master schedules must be maintained. Any changes to student, teacher, principal or course data must be corrected.  Internal attendance policies should be established or reviewed to determine when a student is considered absent from a course: ◦ Because the student has been pulled out for instruction ◦ Because the student came late to class ◦ Because the student was not in attendance for the whole course Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

11 HR / Financial System Staff Evaluation Rating Staff Snapshot (12-13) Student Information System Student Demographics Student Enrollment Program Fact Course Staff Assignment (Principal data) Staff Snapshot (Teacher data) Staff Student Course Student Class Grade Detail Contact Student Contact Assessment Fact Accommodations Level 0 Validation Checks and Error Message Level 1 BOCES Central Database Level 2 (SED) State Database Special Ed. System Special Ed. Snapshot Special Ed. Events Program Fact Scoring Vendor NYSSIS (NYS Student Identification System) Generates and assigns unique statewide student IDs. Test Scoring 3-8 Assessment NYSESLAT NYSAA IDW L2RPT L2RPT reports are designed to help verify a variety of data in support of accountability and other reporting requirements. Teacher Roster Reports Data moves once a week Assessment Scan sheets Teacher PIN# generated to create accounts SIRS

12 12 Comprehensive Course Codes  For 12-13, a comprehensive statewide course catalog has been adopted by NYSED to ensure comparability among schools and districts using the NCES SCED course catalog. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

13 State Course Codes for Courses Ending in State Exams On the next slide are the course codes required to be used for mapping courses ending with State exams for the 2012-13 school year. Grade 3-8 course codes have changed from previous years. Bolded course codes and names are ones that have changed from those used in previous years. Web Page: You will be able to download course catalogs and an FAQ from this site.

14 14 Comprehensive Course Codes Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

15 15 Collecting Teacher/Course/Principal Data In SIRS Two purposes for collecting TSDL: ◦ For teacher/principal evaluation purposes ◦ For research purposes Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

16 16 Teacher Linkage Minimum Time Period  For the 2011-12 school year, students and teachers needed to be “linked” for a minimum time period in order to be attributed to the teacher for evaluation purposes.  This was defined as the number of calendar days (exclusive) between “BEDS Day” (October 5, 2011) and the first day of the elementary/middle-level ELA or math assessment administration window (April 17 and 25, 2012, respectively) or 195 calendar days for teachers of grades 4-8 ELA and 203 calendar days for teachers of grades 4-8 math.  NYSED expects that in 12-13, we will weight students in proportion to the amount of time they are “linked” to a teacher. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

17 17 Principal Linkage  The Staff Assignment template collects  Assignment Date—First day of the school year, or first date of the school year that the staff member was assigned to the “location” as the principal, whichever comes last.  Completion Date—Last date of assignment in the building or grade level Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

18 18 Teacher/Course Data Reports  Two types of reports: ◦ Basic roster information: purpose, to check that students are correctly linked to teachers with correct beginning and end dates. ◦ Linkage Durations: purpose, to show the total course time, prior to the administration of the assessment or the end of the school year, that each student was linked to the teacher. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

19 19 Teacher/Course Data Reports In L2RPT Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616 SIRS-315 Assessment dates for 12-13: June 30, 2013—Roster June 11, 2013—Regents May 22, 2013--Science April 24, 2013—Math April 16, 2013—ELA

20 20 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

21 21 Verifying Teacher Student Data Linkage (TSDL) In L2RPT Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

22 22 Verifying Teacher/Course Data In L2RPT Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

23 23 Verifying Teacher/Course Data In SIRS  The accuracy of basic roster information is dependent upon: ◦ The creation of an accurate master schedule that includes all teachers assigned to all students enrolled in those courses. ◦ The ongoing maintenance of both the master and student schedules, including entry of start and end dates when students drop or add courses or teacher assignments change. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

24 24 Teachers Must Verify Data  As per NYSED regulations, teachers must be involved in data verification. Teacher-Student Roster Verification Reports for teachers are available on the Teacher Access and Authorization System (TAA). Reports are refreshed weekly. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

25 25 Teacher Unique IDS  Teacher IDs need to be unique in the district. The same Teacher ID should be used in your Student Management System, your Human Resource system and the system you are using for the Staff Evaluation Ratings. ◦ We suggest you use the Teach ID. You may use a local ID that has been mapped to the Teach ID. ◦ Your teachers’ names will display in Roster Reports as they appear in the Teach System. ◦ Teachers should be instructed to update their names in the Teach System if necessary. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

26 26 Teacher PINS  In order for teachers to be able to create accounts in the TAA they will need PIN numbers  Your district will receive Teacher PINS after ◦ Staff Snapshot (teachers) ◦ Course ◦ Staff Student Course data have been loaded into SIRS at level 2.  PINS for new teachers will be generated sometime in mid- February.  Those teachers who have received PINS last year will use account logins and passwords already generated. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

27  Once the required information is loaded into SIRS, at Level 2, a unique PIN will be generated for each teacher.  As additional staff files are moved up to Level 2, new PINs will be generated. PINs will be generated on a weekly basis.  When PINs are generated, a zip file is created for the district.  An e-mail notification will be sent to the superintendent or designee when a new zip file is posted to the IRS Portal:  Teachers who already have PINs will not be issued new ones. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616 27

28 Districts must print and securely distribute PIN letters to teachers Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616 28

29 ◦ Teachers should create an account in the TAA as soon as they receive their PIN letter. They may visit the Teacher Student-Roster Verification site at for more information. You will find links to the following on the site:  video tutorial on creating an account  downloadable User Guide.  FAQ  March 2012 Ken Wagner memo Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616 29

30  Who should teachers contact in the district if they need to correct the data?  District Data Coordinators should put procedures in place for teachers to follow if they need to make corrections to their data. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616 30

31 31 Timelines for Collecting Teacher/Course Data In SIRS  Staff/Student/Course data is due June 13 in Level 1.  Staff Evaluation Rating will most likely be collected in the Fall. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

32 32 Timelines for Collecting 2012-2013 Teacher/Course Data In SIRS  Teacher information should be entered as soon as possible to get teacher PINs for new teachers.  Teacher data may also, in the future, be used to print student answer sheets for ELA and math. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

33 33 Timelines for Collecting 2012-2013 Teacher/Course Data In SIRS--TBD  Resources for State Reporting timelines: ◦ Nassau BOCES State Reporting website home page: ◦ Nassau BOCES calendar: ◦ NYSED Information and Reporting Service calendar: ◦ SIRS Manual-Appendix I: Assessment and Reporting Timelines: 12/2011-12SIRSGuidance/NEWER/2012-13SIRSManual8-4- 20130125.doc. 12/2011-12SIRSGuidance/NEWER/2012-13SIRSManual8-4- 20130125.doc Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

34 34 Staff Evaluation Rating Data  For the 12-13 school year, NYSED will be collecting four (4) records: ◦ State component score/SLO growth score ◦ Local achievement subcomponent ◦ Value from 0-60 based on other measures (observations, etc.) ◦ Overall composite score (HEDI)  This data will be stored in a Human Resource System or other system of the district’s choosing. ◦ The system should have the ability to pull a Staff Evaluation Rating file for loading into SIRS.  Verification reports in L2RPT will need separate entitlements in SEDDAS. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

35 35 Collecting Teacher/Course Data  For 12-13: All classroom teachers and principals in school districts and BOCES who receive a state growth score*: ◦ 25% will be based on value-added student growth model on state assessments ◦ 15% will be based on locally selected measures of student achievement that are determined to be rigorous and comparable across classrooms ◦ 60% will be based on other measures of teacher/principal effectiveness  *NOTE: For SLO reporting SED is still using the 20% growth, 20% local and 60% other measures. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616

36  2012-13  Credit Recovery  IB and ACT Assessments  Student Daily Attendance  Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE)  Students in Liberty Partnerships Programs (LPP)  Students in Science and Technology Education Program (STEP)  Staff Assignment (principal data)  2013-14  Adult IDs  Student-level suspension (in-school/out-of-school)  Grade Point Average (GPA) and Total Accumulated Credits  Tenure Status  FRPL Regulations - Community Eligibility Option

37 DDC: District Data Coordinator TAA: Teacher Access and Authorization System SIRS: Student Information Repository System TSDL: Teacher Student Data Linkages Teacher of Record: those teachers who are primarily and directly responsible for a student’s learning activities that are aligned to the performance measures of a course… Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616 37

38  Data Reporting Policy memos ◦ CourseDataCollection-final-5-2-11-2.pdf CourseDataCollection-final-5-2-11-2.pdf ◦ 12.pdf 12.pdf  SIRS Guidance ◦  2012-13 Data Reporting Requirements ◦  Annotated Templates for Extracts ◦  NYS Teacher and Principal Evaluation (purple memo) ◦ plans-guidance-memo.pdf plans-guidance-memo.pdf

39 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6699 Fax: (516) 608-6616 Additional Resources  APPR guidance document ◦ guidance.pdf guidance.pdf  Comprehensive Course Catalog ◦  Nassau BOCES State Reporting Web page: ◦  Teacher Access and Authorization (TAA) system: ◦  IRS Portal: ◦  Teacher’s informational web page: ◦ 39

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