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Purushottam Ghimire Joint-Secretary and Chief of Environment Division Focal Person of UNFCCC/UNEP, NPD-NAPA and PPCR Ministry of Environment 26 th Nov,2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Purushottam Ghimire Joint-Secretary and Chief of Environment Division Focal Person of UNFCCC/UNEP, NPD-NAPA and PPCR Ministry of Environment 26 th Nov,2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Purushottam Ghimire Joint-Secretary and Chief of Environment Division Focal Person of UNFCCC/UNEP, NPD-NAPA and PPCR Ministry of Environment 26 th Nov,2010 Cancun, Mexico For IIED/ECBI Workshop

2  Objectives (Article 2) - Achieve stabilisation of greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system; and also achieve such level within a time frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change, and ensure that food production is not threatened, and enable economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner

3 UNFCCC  Signature: 12 June 1992 in Rio Earth Summit  Ratification: 2 May 1994  Entry into force in Nepal: 31 July 1994  First Initial National Communication Report (July 2004) shared with Parties Kyoto Protocol  Text adopted: 11 December 1997 in Kyoto  Deposition of instrument of Accession: 16 Sept. 2005  Entry into force (global) 16 February 2005; and Nepal: 14 December 2005 CDM/DNA  MoE to function as Designated National Authority (DNA) for CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) activities on 22 December 2005

4  Regional Conference organised for building common understanding among SAARC 31 st Aug 1 st Sept 2009, Nepal  2 September 2009 - Understanding between the GON & development partners on ways to address climate change challenges  Six set of principles signed by 14 donors

5  ADB TA, on Capacity building and Institutional framework Assessment, and Awareness.  DANIDA Strengthening the Capacity building on Negotiations and COP 15/16 Preparation – MOE.  FAO- Agriculture and Climate Change Project –MOAC  Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) – MOFC  Second National Communication through UNEP/GEF – MOE  Technology Needs Assessment supported by UNEP  Nepal is selected for PPCR and SREP 110 Million $ and up to 40Million $ respectively National Climate Change Initiatives/ continued

6  Mountainous Countries Alliance/ Initiatives 2010 and Unit Establishing Process within MOE.  Association of CoP15, Accord with Reservation (1.5 Degree Celsius and Easy and Direct Access of Funds).  National Planning Commission has Initiated Climate Resilience Planning Process (Support from ADB TA for up coming Plan 3 Years from July 2010).  Mitigation Plan on Climate Change is National Agenda ( Dialogue started with National Stakeholders AEPC, Industries, Forest, Local Government Bodies, NGOs, Civil Society + Users).  R & D on Climate Change Initiated within MOE in Collaboration with Universities 2010. National Climate Change Initiatives Cont.

7 The NAPA Process

8 National Climate Change Adaptation Initiatives Policies, governing/coordinating bodies, regulations, Programmes Mainstreaming Climate Change adaptation into National Development National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) NAPA Objectives Poverty reduction Livelihoods diversification/improvement Building community resilience NAPA Process Project setup-TWG setup- Consultations -Vulnerability assessment-Project prioritization-Project proposals Decentralized adaptation programme implementation mechanism development Local Adaptation Plan of Action (LAPA) LAPA coordination mechanism LAPA Formulation mechanism LAPA implementation mechanism LAPA piloting NAPA Outcomes NAPA document Climate change knowledge management platform National and regional climate change learning centre NAPA project(s) implementation mechanism Multi-stakeholder partnership framework of action NAPA Upda tes

9 Negotiation issues  Developed vs Developing countries  Developing vs economy in transition country  Annex 1 Vs Non- Annex countries  Adaptation Vs Mitigation  Adaptation Vs Resilience Funding issues  Ensuring country driven process  General ODA and CC additionally  Ambiguity in commitment and reality  Implementing agencies  Direct access to fund Major issues in climate change negotiations

10  Adaptation issue in negotiations is very often overlooked. Country specific issues are seriously bypassed  A conflict between adaptation and mitigation has been tried to be created  New issues like CCS, REDD have been developed as critical issues  Lack of common understanding among the concerned groups like G77&China, LDC and others  Understanding on adaptation is different between developed and developing countries  Urgent and immediate actions are pushed backward

11  Pledge vs commitment  Commitment vs principle  Principle vs practice  Practice vs outputs  Outputs vs outcomes Outcomes for climate resilient sustainable development COP negotiations are very much mangled with several issues therefore adaptation should be dealt completely separately


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