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Climate change, disasters and the Philippines: Issues and Imperatives for the 2015 Paris Agreement Antonio G.M. La Viña, JSD Philippines.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate change, disasters and the Philippines: Issues and Imperatives for the 2015 Paris Agreement Antonio G.M. La Viña, JSD Philippines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate change, disasters and the Philippines: Issues and Imperatives for the 2015 Paris Agreement Antonio G.M. La Viña, JSD Philippines


3 Warsaw

4 Haiyan lands in Warsaw

5 How is Climate Change Affecting the Philippines? Temperature Change

6 Localizing IPCC AR 5 Precipitation Change

7 How is Climate Change Affecting the Philippines? Source: Stronger Storms

8 How is Climate Change Affecting the Philippines? Avila, Castillo, Villarin (Manila Observatory) El Nino Impact on Rainfall

9 How is Climate Change Affecting the Philippines? Source: Food and Agricultural Organization. Impact on Food Security El Nino Years

10 How is Climate Change Affecting the Philippines? Coastal / Marine Impacts Sea Level Rise Ocean Acidification Increase in Sea Surface Temperature Coral Bleaching Storm Surges

11 Climate change and the poor

12 Warsaw COP19 Climate Finance – Adaptation finance Making progress in ADP – Firewall between developed and developing countries Loss and Damage Elephant in the room: Haiyan/Yolanda


14 Center for Science and Environment A View From the South...

15 Mitigation and Adaptation in the UNFCCC First phase of CC global response: Mitigation Failure of mitigation by developed countries Increasing contributions of developing countries to GHG accumulation The emergence of adaptation as a UNFCCC agenda

16 Article 2, UNFCCC The ultimate objective of this Convention and any related legal instruments that the Conference of the Parties may adopt is to achieve, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention, stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. Such a level should be achieved within a time-frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change, to ensure that food production is not threatened and to enable economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner.

17 Recurring Issues in the Negotiations Role of Science in the International Process (IPCC AR5) The challenge of Climate Finance related to the issue of Technology Transfer Market Mechanisms: Role of the Private sector Climate and Land use Issues (REDD and LULUCF)

18 What is the potential for agreement in Paris? We have three possible scenarios. Unacceptable Best Possible Most likely

19 Warsaw Huddle

20 Durban Huddle

21 Philippine Response to Climate Change Climate Change Act of 2009 National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 National Framework Strategy on Climate Change (2010) National Climate Change Action Plan (2011) People’s Survival Fund Act of 2012

22 Converging International and Local: Issues and Challenges Implementing adaptation Accessing adaptation finance and technology Loss and damage Climate justice Implementing mitigation measures Adopting NAMA’s – energy and land use as priorities

23 House of Dacay 250 tons of limestone, 47 tons of grass, 8000 reeds Philippine Daily Inquirer, 29 June 2008, Photo by Nino Jesus Orbeta

24 Haiku in Kyoto I do not want to be afraid of the rains and long for the memory of how they once made our mountains more beautiful to see and I do not want to weep for my children as I watch the sea.

25 Sunset on a place that bleeds

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