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Cardiovascular System. Combining Forms Agglutin/o: clumping, gluing Aneurysm/o: widened blood vessel Aort/o: aorta Arter/o, arteri/o: artery Ather/o:

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Presentation on theme: "Cardiovascular System. Combining Forms Agglutin/o: clumping, gluing Aneurysm/o: widened blood vessel Aort/o: aorta Arter/o, arteri/o: artery Ather/o:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cardiovascular System

2 Combining Forms Agglutin/o: clumping, gluing Aneurysm/o: widened blood vessel Aort/o: aorta Arter/o, arteri/o: artery Ather/o: fatty plaque Atri/o: atrium Coron/o: heart Embol/o: plug Hydr/o: water Immun/o: safe, free Is/o: equal Isch/o: to hold back

3 Combining Forms Lymph/o: lymph fluid Lymphaden/o: lymph gland Lymphangi/o: lymph vessel Myel/o: bone marrow, spinal cord Necr/o: death Phag/o: swallowing, eating Phleb/o, ven/o: vein Splen/o: spleen Thym/o: thymus gland Varic/o: dilated vein Vas/o: duct, vessel Ventricul/o: ventricle

4 Suffixes and Prefixes -cardia: heart condition -lapse: to fall or sag -oid: like, resembling -phage: eating, swallowing -philia: attraction for -phylaxis: protection -poiesis: formation, production -stasis: standing still -tension: to stretch -version: turning Echo-: repeated sound Peri-: around

5 Overview Cardiologist: medical doctor specializing in heart and circulatory disorders Parts: heart, vessels, blood Functions: to deliver oxygen and nutrients to cells and remove waste products

6 Diseases and Conditions Aneurysm: abnormal widening of an artery as a result of weakness in the artery wall Angina pectoris: mild to severe pressure or pain in the chest caused by ischemia “angina” Arrhythmia: irregularity or loss of rhythm of the heartbeat “dysrhythmia” Fibrillation: arrhythmia with rapid, uncoordinated heartbeats

7 Diseases and Conditions Arteriosclerosis: thickening and hardening of arterial walls Atherosclerosis: fatty accumulations on artery walls **most common** Bruit: soft blowing sound heard in the arteries caused by turbulent blood flow Embolus: a blood clot that travels though the bloodstream and becomes lodged in a vessel

8 Diseases and Conditions Heart block: disease of the electrical system of the heart First-degree: atrioventricular (AV) block, electrical impulses are delayed by a fraction of a second before being conducted to the ventricles Second-degree: A block in which only some atrial impulses are conducted to the ventricles Third-degree: AV block in which no electrical impulses reach the ventricles “complete heart block”

9 Diseases and Conditions Heart failure (HF): the heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet the needs of the body Symptoms: shortness of breath, leg swelling, exercise intolerance Hypertension (HTN): consistently elevated blood pressure causing damage to the blood vessels and heart Ischemia: not enough oxygenated blood reaching a body part Mitral valve prolapse: the mitral valve does not close completely so blood flows back into the left atrium

10 Diseases and Conditions Murmur: abnormal sound of the heart caused by defects in chambers or valves of the heart Myocardial infarction (MI): “heart attack” necrosis of a portion of heart muscle caused by a blockage to one or more coronary arteries Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA): failure of the ductus arteriosus to close after birth resulting in an abnormal opening between the pulmonary artery and the aorta Raynaud Disease: sever, sudden vasoconstriction and spasms in the fingers and toes followed by cyanosis Causes: emotional stress or cold temperatures

11 Diseases and Conditions Stroke: damage to the brain because blood supply was interrupted “cerebrovascular accident” Causes: bleeding within the brain or blockage of an artery Thrombus: a stationary blood clot formed within a blood vessel or the heart that causes obstruction “blood clot” Deep vein thrombosis (DVT): formation of a blood clot in a deep vein, usually in the lower legs Transient ischemic attack (TIA): blood supply to the brain is briefly interrupted “mini stroke”

12 Diagnostic Procedures Cardiac catheterization: insertion of a small tube into a large vein, threaded through a blood vessel until it reaches the heart Cardiac enzyme studies: blood tests performed to determine cardiac damage Doppler ultrasonography: an ultrasound that records blood flow speed to detect obstructions Echocardiography (ECG): an ultrasound used to image heart to evaluate how the chamber and valves are working

13 Diagnostic Procedures Electrocardiography (ECG or EKG): study of electrical activity in heart muscle Holter monitor: portable ECG worn by patient while doing normal activities Stress test: ECG performed under exercise stress conditions Nuclear: ECG that uses tracers to evaluate coronary blood flow Troponin 1: blood test that measures proteins released into the blood by heart muscle Indicator of a recent heart attack

14 Medical and Surgical Procedures Angioplasty: opens a blocked artery by inflating a small balloon Cardioversion: restoration of normal heart rhythm by applying electrical shock to the heart “defibrillation” Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG): bypass surgery that creates new routes for blood to flow Defibrillator: device used to administer an electrical shock to stop the heart in hopes of restoring normal heart rhythm

15 Medical and Surgical Procedures Automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator: (AICD) implanted electrical device that monitors and corrects arrhythmias using electrical shocks Automatic external defibrillator (AED): a portable device that analyzes heart rhythm and delivers an electrical shock Endarterectomy: removal of the lining of an artery Carotid endarterectomy: removal of atherosclerosis and thrombosis from a clogged carotid artery

16 Medical and Surgical Procedures Sclerotherapy: chemical injection into a varicose vein that causes inflammation and closure of the vein Valvuloplasty: insertion of a balloon catheter in a blood vessel in the groin, through the aorta and into the heart to widen a stiff heart valve

17 Pharmacology Anticoagulants: prevent or delay coagulation of blood Beta blockers: slows the heart rate and lowers blood pressure Nitrates: relieve chest pain associated with angina Statins: reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and block production of an enzyme in the liver that produces cholesterol

18 Abbreviations AAA: abdominal aortic aneurysm AED: automatic external defibrillator AICD: automated implantable cardioverter- defibrillator ASHD: arteriosclerotic heart disease BP: blood pressure CABG: coronary artery bypass graft CAD: coronary artery disease CV: cardiovascular CVA: cerebrovascular accident

19 Abbreviations EVLT: endovenous laser therapy HDL: high-density lipoprotein HF: heart failure HTN: hypertension ICD: implantable cardioverter-defibrillator MI: myocardial infarction MBP: mitral valve prolapse PDA: patent ductus arteriosus TIA: transient ischemic attack

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