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Diagnostic Procedures & Diseases.  History & Physical Checking for symptoms of disease Chest pain, shortness of breath (SOB), awareness of heartbeat.

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Presentation on theme: "Diagnostic Procedures & Diseases.  History & Physical Checking for symptoms of disease Chest pain, shortness of breath (SOB), awareness of heartbeat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diagnostic Procedures & Diseases

2  History & Physical Checking for symptoms of disease Chest pain, shortness of breath (SOB), awareness of heartbeat (palpitation), fatigue, dizziness or loss of consciousness, edema, pain in legs when walking

3  Electrocardiogram Tracing of the electrical activity of the heart

4  Phonocardiogram EKG with heart sounds


6  Echocardiogram Ultrasound that measures size and movement of the heart structures

7  Transesophageal Echocardiogram

8  The difference between ECG, Ecocardiogram and Stress Test ecg vs echo vs stress test

9  Doppler Ultrasound Measures blood flow

10  Arteriography Radiopaque dye injected and x-ray series taken of blood flow

11  Cardiac Catheterization Right side of heart – catheter threaded into vein then into the vena cava then into the heart then into the pulmonary artery Left side of heart – catheter threaded into artery then into left ventricle, then into aorta then into coronary arteries X-rays taken during procedure Dye also injected

12  Stent



15  Myocardial biopsy

16  Arteriosclerosis Hardening of the arteries  Atherosclerosis Fatty deposits on the walls of the arteries (high blood pressure, smoking, obesity, physical inactivity, tension)

17  Hypertension 90% - no specific cause 10% - symptom of another disease (ex: kidney disease) Increases workload of the heart

18  Bacterial Endocarditis: Inflammation of the internal lining of the heart Also involves the valves


20  Valvular Heart Disease Abnormalities of the heart valves Especially mitral and aortic valves Heart valves are scarred Treatment – valve replacement

21  Congenital Heart Disease Defects in the heart that occurred during embryonic and fetal development Defective communication between the chambers, malformation of valves, and malformation of septum


23  Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Left side heart failure Pumping action of heart diminished Fluid accumulates and is retained in tissues Compensations – increased heart rate, greater force of contraction, retention of fluid by kidneys, enlargement of heart.


25  Cor Pulmonale Right side heart failure Hypertension in pulmonary circulation

26  Peripheral Arterial Disease Decreased blood flow to peripheral vessels

27  Varicose Veins Enlarged veins which can be inflamed

28  Aneurysm Weak section in wall of an artery – ballooning out, possibly rupturing.

29  Thrombus Blood clot that stays where it is formed

30  Stroke (CVA) Brain infarct Caused by decreased oxygen supply to brain due to blood clot or hemorrhage Symptoms: trouble walking, trouble speaking, paralysis or numbness in face, arm or leg, trouble seeing, headache

31  Embolus Blood clot or thombus that travels through circulatory system

32  Sudden Cardiac Arrest Sudden, unexpected loss of heart function, breathing, and consciousness Symptoms: sudden collapse, no pulse, no breathing Call 911 & Start CPR!

33  Heart Attack Blood clot blocks the flow of blood through coronary artery Symptoms: pressure, pain in chest, left arm, back, teeth & jaw, shortness of breath, sweating, fainting, nausea & vomiting, heartburn, clammy skin, dizzy, fatigue

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