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Jeopardy!!! 1st Amendment At School Equal Protection Rights of the Accused Potpourri \ 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy!!! 1st Amendment At School Equal Protection Rights of the Accused Potpourri \ 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy!!! 1st Amendment At School Equal Protection Rights of the Accused Potpourri \ 100 200 300 400 500

2 This case outlawed prayer in school. $100.00

3 What is Engel v. Vitale? $100.00

4 This ruling protects the burning of the American flag as Free speech. $200.00

5 What is Texas vs. Johnson? $200.00

6 Principal can act as censor of school publications. $300.00

7 What is Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier? $300.00

8 Obscene and vulgar language is not protected at school. $400.00

9 What is Bethel vs. Fraser? $400.00

10 Daily Double: Colonial newspaper publisher who criticized Colonial governor for rigging elections, and other assorted fraud. He was the reason “Press” was included in the BoR.

11 Who is John Peter Zenger?

12 Students can no longer be segregated by race to different schools.

13 What is Brown v. Board of Education $100.00

14 Students bused to achieve integrated schools. $200.00

15 What is Swann vs. Charlotte- Mecklenburg $200.00

16 Affirmed right to symbolic speech at school (Vietnam War). $300.00

17 What is Tinker v. Des Moines $300.00

18 Schools can conduct searches without search warrants. $400.00

19 What is New Jersey v. TLO $400.00

20 Race can be considered as a factor for admission to colleges. $500.00

21 What is University of California v. Bakke $500.00

22 Established “separate but equal.” $100.00

23 What is Plessy v. Ferguson? $100.00

24 Forbid racial segregation in private facilities. $200.00

25 What is Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US? $200.00

26 Which Amendment establishes “equal protection under the law?” $300.00

27 What is the 14 th Amendment? $300.00

28 Daily Double: He was the first African-American Supreme Court Justice.

29 Who was Thurgood Marshall? (Lawyer in Brown v. Board)

30 The effect of this Supreme Court cases was the creation of the 14 th amendment. $500.00

31 What is Dred Scott v. Sanford $500.00

32 You are entitled to a lawyer even if you can not afford one. $100.00

33 What is Gideon v. Wainwright? $100.00

34 You are to be informed of your rights when being questioned by police. $200.00

35 What is Miranda v. Arizona? $200.00

36 Evidence obtained without a search warrant can not be used in court. $300.00

37 What is Mapp vs. Ohio? $300.00

38 Abolished the death penalty in 1972. $400.00

39 What is Furman v. Georgia? $400.00

40 Reinstated the Death Penalty in 1976. $500.00

41 What is Gregg v. Georgia? $500.00

42 Supreme Court has right to declare laws unconstitutional. $100.00

43 What is Marbury v. Madison? $100.00

44 Placed Japanese-Americans in internment camps to protect national security during WW2. US government now admits it was a violation of civil rights. $200.00

45 What is Korematsu v. US $200.00

46 He was the first Chief Justice of the United States $300.00

47 Who was John Marshall? $300.00

48 Concluded that Congress can regulate trade (interstate commerce) $400.00

49 What is Gibbons v. Ogden? $400.00

50 Reinforces and strengthens Supremacy clause of Constitution. $500.00

51 What is McCulloch v. Maryland? $500.00

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