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EXCEL INTERMEDIATE 1. WORKSHEETS Worksheet Tabs –Rename by double clicking –Can be moved by click and drag –Change colour by right click and choose Tab.

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Presentation on theme: "EXCEL INTERMEDIATE 1. WORKSHEETS Worksheet Tabs –Rename by double clicking –Can be moved by click and drag –Change colour by right click and choose Tab."— Presentation transcript:


2 WORKSHEETS Worksheet Tabs –Rename by double clicking –Can be moved by click and drag –Change colour by right click and choose Tab Color –Grouping worksheets by clicking ctrl and tab Allows formatting and formula insertion in multiple sheets simultaneously –Refer to formulas on another sheet by beginning to type formula on current sheet, then click on sheet tab, and select cell on new sheet =B5-Sheet2!C3 =J27*’Quarter1’F17 2

3 CELL FORMATTING Clear Cells –Home tab, Edit group, Clear button Text Wrapping –Right click, Format Cells, Alignment tab, Wrap text box Text Rotation –Right click, Format Cells, Alignment tab, drag “Text” 3

4 LINKING FORMULAS If on a “Summary Sheet”, you would like to include a cell from a different sheet: –Click in the cell on the “Summary Sheet”, where you want the answer to appear –Key in the equals sign = –Then navigate to the sheet tab, you want to reference, and click on the specific cell you want –Press “ENTER” In the myitlab Grader assignment —this is what question # 10, is referring to 4

5 FUNCTIONS Autosum =today() –Can also enter CTRL + ; =now() –Try format as # =min() =max() =median() Dragging formulas 5

6 FIND TOTAL “WORKING DAYS” BETWEEN ANY 2 DATES, INCLUDING “HOLIDAYS” Helpful, with project plans, gantt charts =networkdays (start date, end date, list of holidays) to get the number of working days. In the above sample you can see the number of working days between NEW YEARS DAY and SEPTEMBER 01 6

7 FUNCTIONS cont. =Round() =Average() =Countif() –The COUNTIF function counts the number of cells within a range that meet a single criterion that you specify –range Required. One or more cells to count –criteria Required. A number, expression, cell ref, or text that defines which cells will be counted. eg, 32, ">32", B4, "apples", or "32". =PMT() =IF() 7

8 IF FUNCTION =IF (logical_test,value_if_true,value_if_false) Checks whether a condition is met, and returns one value if TRUE, and another value if FALSE 8

9 Cell References Relative cell references –Default –Automatically change cell references relative to which column/row you copy it to Absolute cell references –F4 key –Absolutely will not change when you copy formula Mixed cell references –Either ROW or COLUMN will not change depending which one is preceded by a $ dollar sign 9

10 MIXED CELL REFERENCE A mixed cell reference contains only one dollar sign: =$A1 – the column part of the reference (A) is absolute and the row part (1) is relative. =A$1 – the column part of the reference is relative and the row part is absolute. 10

11 “PROJECTED 1 st QUARTER”: Absolute Cell Reference A formula to calculate: “PROJECTED 1 st Quarter Sales” –Because sales are PROJECTED to increase, the projected value should be greater than the current data =B7+(B7*$B$17) –B7 would be the current value –*$B$17 would be the % increase 11

12 PV =PV (rate,nper,pmt, pmt, f v) –Returns the PRESENT value of an investment. The present value is the total amount that a series of future payments is worth NOW. For example, when you borrow money, the loan amount is the present value to the lender. –Unless otherwise stated-the pmt is “ 0 ” –Do NOT have to divide INTEREST RATE by 12, or multiply NPER by 12 (yrs.) 12

13 FV =FV –(rate,nper, pmt, p v) –Returns the FUTURE value of an investment –Unless otherwise stated-the pmt is “ 0 ” –Do NOT have to divide INTEREST RATE by 12, or multiply NPER by 12 (yrs.) 13

14 ROWS and COLUMNS Insert –Right click on a cell and choose Insert form pop up menu –Note that functions and formulas update automatically Freeze Panes –VIEW tab > WINDOW group > FREEZE PANES 14

15 ROWS and COLUMNS select the row below where you want the row to be frozen To freeze columns, select the column to the right of where you want the column to be frozen 15

16 ERROR MESSAGES #NAME? –i.e. =DIV(C2,B5) (no such FUNCTION name as “DIV”) #VALUE! –i.e. =SUM(B5,”H3”) Cell reference should not be in “quotation marks” #DIV/0! –If the value in a cell is “0” (no division by zero) 16

17 VIEW/PRINT FORMULAS  CTRL key + (to the left of the #1 key) o This key combination will toggle to viewing formulas-- ON or OFF 17


19 Charts cont. Change the rotation of a 3D chart: –Select the chart –FORMAT tab > CURRENT SELECTION group, click on: FORMAT SELECTION –Choose: 3-D ROTATION -change the “X” & “Y” rotations boxes accordingly 19

20 Charts cont. Change font of Category X (horizontal) axis –And Y (vertical) axis Change other options of X & Y axes: Select specific axis Right-mouse click Select: FORMAT AXIS 20

21 Charts cont. If you change the “MAJOR” axis to “fixed”, and then set a specific value: – the value will be the “bottom” value, and other values will be Incremented by that same amt. i.e. 75,000: Values increase by 75,000 21

22 Adding a title to an axis: –Select the axis –Go to the LAYOUT tab > click on AXIS TITLES drop-down arrow Select either Horizontal or Vertical & then the location of The title 22

23 Format data series Right-mouse click on: data series Select: FORMAT DATA SERIES Change desires options i.e. FILL 23

24 LINE CHART SWITCH LEGEND INFO TO HORIZONTAL AXIS Select chart > DESIGN tab > DATA group Select: SWITCH ROW/COLUMN CHANGE A CHART TYPE FOR A SERIES: Right-mouse click on a specific series > Change Series Type Chart 24


26 PASTE LINK Insert data saved to the clipboard so that the inserted data will change if the ORIGINAL data changes. Warning - for this to work the original and destination files must be kept together HOME tab> CLIPBOARD group> PASTE drop-down arrow> PASTE LINK 26

27 FREE “TIP OF THE WEEK” Free anti-virus software from Microsoft – Microsoft Security Essentials 27

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