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Funding support scheme information session Stirling 29 th October 2007 WRAP SME recycling programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Funding support scheme information session Stirling 29 th October 2007 WRAP SME recycling programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Funding support scheme information session Stirling 29 th October 2007 WRAP SME recycling programme

2 Welcome, introductions and overview  Introduction to WRAP  SME recycling programme overview  Good practice guidance  Funding support scheme: scope, applications and evaluation criteria  Waste Aware Business  WRAP’s wider business support  One to one sessions  Introductions

3 Introduction to WRAP

4 An introduction to WRAP Waste & Resources Action Programme Established by the Government in 2000 To help everyone in the UK recycle more, waste less and reduce the amount we send to landfill Reducing CO 2 emissions

5 Working together Up until now WRAP and its partners have delivered significant achievements: 5.8 million tonnes/year reprocessing capacity 8.5 million more ‘committed recyclers’ 1.6 million home compost bins sold 1.3 million tonnes less carbon emissions

6 WRAP’s seven programmes Construction Manufacturing Business Growth OrganicsRetail Behavioural Change Local Authorities

7 WRAP SME recycling programme overview

8 SME recycling programme aims and activities  Aim is to increase and improve recycling for SMEs  Making recycling at work easy, convenient and cost effective  Developing appropriate recycling services, charging mechanisms, sales and marketing approaches and staff involvement

9 Aims and activities  Completed two series of feasibility trials and series of demonstration trials  Feasibility trials covered variety of sectors, types of services, charging mechanisms, sales and marketing approaches and activities  Demonstration trials replicated good practice models on a larger scale  Developed good practice guidance  Evaluation reports from trials

10 Opportunities to develop SME recycling services  Lack of current services to meet needs  SMEs want services that are easy, convenient and cost effective  Latent level of interest in recycling but lack of time and resources to be proactive  Taking habits of recycling at home into the workplace  Increasing waste disposal costs  Pre-treatment regulations

11 Types of recycling services  Researched range of service types: collection services and bring site facilities  Materials to collect  Source separated or comingled materials  Collection containers  Collection frequency  Charging mechanisms and frequency

12 Feedback from SMEs  Carried out research following first series of feasibility trials  97% of customers satisfied with their recycling service  82% found the services easy to implement and maintain  33% + found it had improved their reputation  25% + saving space an important factor

13 SME recycling good practice guidance

14 Good practice guidance  Guidance based on findings and results from first series of feasibility trials  Provides practical advice and information on developing and providing recycling services to SMEs  Relevant to existing and emerging recycling service providers from all sectors  Currently available in electronic format  Printed format to be available in late November

15 Elements of the guidance  Guidance covers all major elements and key issues of service development and provision  Sales and marketing approaches and activities  Operational issues  Financial sustainability

16 Sales and marketing approaches and activities  Target area and audience  Material streams and quantities  Competition and charging  Legal arrangements with customers  Sales and marketing staff resources  Marketing activities  Sales activities

17 Operational issues  Collection containers: boxes, bags, bins and bundles  Collection vehicles  Depots and sorting facilities  Operational staff resources

18 Sustainability of the service  Collection rounds  Income streams  Financial sustainability of services  Monitoring and continuous improvements

19 Funding support scheme: scope, applications and evaluation

20 Aim and overview  Aim is to increase capacity of provision of recycling services to businesses, primarily SMEs  Overview  Who can apply?  What can I apply for?  How much can I apply for?  How can I apply?  Evaluation of applications  Successful applicants

21 Who can apply?  Organisations directly providing recycling services to businesses  Open to existing and new recycling service providers  Private, community and public sectors eligible to apply  Operated under de minimis regulations

22 What can I apply for? (1)  Expansion of existing services  New recyclable materials  New geographical areas  New types of customers  Development of new services  Projects 3 to 12 months in length  Requirement to deliver SME customer recruitment and tonnage targets  Follow good practice guidance

23 What can I apply for? (2)  Recycling services can cover:  Multi material collection services  Paper and cardboard services for city centres e.g. retail  Glass collection services for the hospitality sector  Services for industrial estates, business parks or multiple-occupancy buildings …

24 What can I apply for? (3)  Recycling services can cover:  Food waste collections for hospitality and retail sectors and smaller food processors  Services for the construction, refurbishment and demolition sector  SME and non SME customers (80% SMEs and 20% other non SMEs)  Must be ‘new to recycling’  Food waste to go to ABPR approved in-vessel composting or AD units

25 What can I apply for? (4) Support generally for package of measures.  Staff resources: sales and marketing staff, operational staff and management staff  Sales and marketing activities: telesales, direct mail, face to face sales, procurement of SME contact databases, sales and marketing literature, promotional introductory periods, websites, staff training  Infrastructure: collection containers, collection vehicles and contribution to overheads  No balers or shredders - eQUIP

26 How much can I apply for?  Max £67,000 excluding VAT per applicant  Operated under de minimis regulations  Local authorities not subject to de minimis but same funding limits apply  Declaration of previous public funding  50% match funding – in cash and/or in kind

27 How can I apply? (1)  Application form and guidance document  No closing date for applications in 2007-08 financial year  Application information required:  Organisation details and activities  Summary of proposal  Recycling service to be provided  Sales and marketing activities  Financial viability – 5 year projection  Project delivery plan

28 How can I apply? (2)  Declaration of de minimis funding  Information on funding requested  Documentation  Two years audited accounts or business plan  Health and safety policy or statement  Environment policy or statement  Statement on licenses  Terms and conditions

29 Evaluation of applications  Application form and supporting information received  Evaluation criteria  Value for money  Appropriateness of recycling service  Sales and marketing activities  Financial viability of service and organisation  Aim to respond within six weeks

30 Successful applicants  Funding support agreement  Confidentiality letter  Project initiation meeting  Negotiation period: funding agreement and milestones  Milestone payments – SME/ tonnage  Data reporting  BREW annual report  Support and contact from WRAP

31 Waste Aware Business

32 WRAP’s wider business support

33 Business Support

34 Business Support Video (not on web version)

35 Business Support focus 2006-08 Target: to deliver 10% sustainable growth in the specialist recycling and reprocessing sector (double the forecasted growth of GDP)  Equates to turnover growth of £120 million Themes  Encouraging new businesses and entrants  Duplicating winning formulae

36 Eligibility A reprocessing business operating in the UK recycling sector Recycling one or more of the following materials: aggregates; glass; plastics; organics; paper; wood; tyres; plasterboard and batteries An SME for the majority of the services available

37 Further information and support

38 Josephine Abbott e: t: 01295 819 916 Natasha Allen e: t: 01295 819 692

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