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Welcome to NTA! December 2012. Bell Ringer: Write a personal response to this chart:

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to NTA! December 2012. Bell Ringer: Write a personal response to this chart:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to NTA! December 2012

2 Bell Ringer: Write a personal response to this chart:

3 Agenda Item #1: Self-Assessment

4 Self-Assessment To Date Complete the self- assessment from the Leona teacher evaluation tool. Identify 3-5 things you would like to focus on improving the second part of the year. Be prepared to share!

5 Agenda Item #2: Lesson Plan Workshops!

6 ‘Successful’ Lesson Plan Workshop Partner #1: Present your ‘successful’ lesson plan to Partner #2 Partner #2: Listen to the presentation and identify two stars and a wish for Partner #1 SWITCH ROLES

7 ‘Stinker’ Lesson Plan Workshop Partner #2: Present your ‘stinker’ lesson plan to Partner #2 and talk about the difference between your vision and the reality. Partner #1: Listen to the presentation and identify three ways to improve for Partner #1 SWITCH ROLES

8 Agenda Item #3: Mid-Year Review of Expectations & Procedures

9 What is the primary difference between an expectation and a procedure ?

10 What student behaviors and whole-classroom snags are making you crazy right now? WHY?

11 Expectations & Procedures Audit Review your expectations & procedures: 1)Do you have BOTH rules and procedures designated separately? 2)Are they framed in positive wording that explains what TO DO? 3)Are they specific? 4)Is the tone respectful, encouraging, and positive? 5) Is the rationale explained? 6)Do rules have logical consequences? 7)What needs to be added? Deleted? Changed? Targeted to eliminate the snags making you crazy currently? 8)Were they introduced? Posted? Reviewed? Reinforced? 9)Do they fall under the expectations of your school culture?

12 Time to Audit and Revise

13 Agenda Item #4: Mid-Year Review of Protocols of Consequences

14 Protocol of Consequences DEBRIEF RECAP Clip #14 Non-verbal intervention Positive group correction verbal reminder of what the whole group SHOULD be doing Anonymous individual correction ‘we need two people’ Private individual correction ‘I’ve asked everyone to ___, I need to see you ___ as well’ Lightening-quick public correction with ‘what to do’ (Clip #15) ‘Jose, I need your eyes... better’

15 Empathy + Give Choices Pick choices you can actually control. Give choices with inviting language (feel free to, you’re welcome to, would you rather, what would be best) The adult needs to be willing to live with either choice given. Never give choices in danger! Don’t show frustration when handling the situation. Seem calm and relaxed. Third choice is always implied: adult decides if the child does not. DON’T HARP!!!!!

16 Choose Words Wisely: Fighting vs. Thinking Words Tone is everything! Fighting words are command oriented and contain a ‘perceived’ implied threat. They force a control response. Thinking words are are usually in question form and contain enforceable statements. They leave choice and responsibility with the child.

17 L&L Formula: Communicate Empathy + Give Choices + Use Thinking Words

18 VIDEO ANALYSIS Use your TLaC and L&L background to analyze a Leona teaching clip and offer effective intervention ideas that put learning first and prevent damage to relationships.

19 Have a Great Holiday!

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