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07/26/2010 National Petroleum Council Future Transportation Fuels Study - Task Group/Subgroup Overview September 20 - 21 CSC Meeting Hydrogen Subgroup.

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Presentation on theme: "07/26/2010 National Petroleum Council Future Transportation Fuels Study - Task Group/Subgroup Overview September 20 - 21 CSC Meeting Hydrogen Subgroup."— Presentation transcript:

1 07/26/2010 National Petroleum Council Future Transportation Fuels Study - Task Group/Subgroup Overview September 20 - 21 CSC Meeting Hydrogen Subgroup 1

2 07/26/2010 DRAFT: Hydrogen Framing Questions 2 1.What is the range of (volume) hydrogen projections for U.S. transportation fuel supply through 2050  What resources - natural gas, water, electricity, biomass - will be needed and available  What is the GHG impact of each hydrogen pathway  What land, water, and other environmental resource issues will impact future fuel supply  What is the current state of readiness of hydrogen infrastructure  What are the key hurdles to enable to commercialization hydrogen for transportation 2.What are the most likely vehicle types which will use hydrogen  What is the current state of readiness of fuel cell vehicles  What markets will fuel cell vehicles fill  What will be the key hurdles to enable the commercialization of fuel cell vehicles 3.How will the use of hydrogen and fuel cells change regionally and/or nationally over time (now to 2050)  What will be the expected regional or national demands for hydrogen  What infrastructure will be needed to meet national and regional demands  How will existing infrastructure be used and what added infrastructure will be needed  What are the implications for state and national governments 4.Are there new possible synergies or conflicts between hydrogen, hydrogen vehicles and other technologies 5.What factors will accelerate or hinder the development and adoption of hydrogen in the U.S. transportation fuel mix (technology advancements, geopolitics, etc…)  What are the development pathways for these technologies  What factors will accelerate the supply at scale of hydrogen and hydrogen fueled vehicles  Are there energy security implications - what could disrupt the supply chain /infrastructure and what mitigation could be in place  Supply of raw materials  Climate change

3 07/26/2010 Hydrogen Subgroup Scope  Evaluate the availability of hydrogen as a fuel (including infrastructure implications), fuel cell vehicles and hydrogen internal combustion engine vehicles  Focus efforts in determining what impact hydrogen and fuel cell can have on achieving the targets outlined by Secretary Chu (security, economy, GHG emissions)  Rely on contributors for critical review of existing knowledge base  No new research undertaken

4 07/26/2010 DRAFT: Hydrogen Subgroup – Membership DRAFT – DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE For NPC Study Discussion Only Level 1 Core Team Level 2 SMEs Level 3 Stakeholders Hydrogen Subgroup Participant Totals Core Team – 5 to 7 SMEs – up to 15 Stakeholder – as appropriate Hydrogen Subgroup Participant Totals Core Team – 5 to 7 SMEs – up to 15 Stakeholder – as appropriate

5 07/26/2010 DRAFT: Hydrogen Subgroup – Membership (con’t) DRAFT – DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE For NPC Study Discussion Only Level 2 – SMEs (concept only – recruit and expanded as needed) TBDMITAcademia TBDHondaAuto Industry TBDDOE Government TBDAC TransitEnd User TBDLinde or Air ProductsSupplier TBDUC Davis Academia TBDSouthern California EdisonEnd User Level 2 – SMEs (concept only – recruit and expanded as needed) TBDMITAcademia TBDHondaAuto Industry TBDDOE Government TBDAC TransitEnd User TBDLinde or Air ProductsSupplier TBDUC Davis Academia TBDSouthern California EdisonEnd User Level 3 – Stakeholders (recruit and expanded as needed) Associations, NGOs, etc… Level 3 – Stakeholders (recruit and expanded as needed) Associations, NGOs, etc… Level 1 - Core Team (*Candidate for Chair) Puneet VermaChevron Acting Chair Tom FullerGA Tech *Member/Chair ? Ian SutherlandGM Member TBDFord Member TBDNREL Member TBDShell Member Matt WatkinsExxonMobilMember Radu MurgescuChevronPlanner Level 1 - Core Team (*Candidate for Chair) Puneet VermaChevron Acting Chair Tom FullerGA Tech *Member/Chair ? Ian SutherlandGM Member TBDFord Member TBDNREL Member TBDShell Member Matt WatkinsExxonMobilMember Radu MurgescuChevronPlanner

6 07/26/2010 6 Meeting PurposeTarget Date Complete Core Team RecruitmentEnd of September Kick Off Call  Team Introductions  Detailed Anti Trust Statement  Review Overall Scope and Plan Early October Face to Face Meeting  Agreement on Overall Scope and Plan  Review Data Management  Agreement on Scope and Framing Questions  Begin Outline development Mid-October Finalize Hydrogen OutlineEnd of October Identify Integration PointsEnd of October Review Reference CaseMid-November Complete Reference Case CommentaryEnd of November Develop Alternative Views and Accelerated CasesEnd of January Hydrogen Subgroup – 120 Day Timeline

7 07/26/2010 7 Hydrogen Production Pathways Crude Oil Coal Natural Gas Nuclear Solar (PV, thermal) Hydro Wind Wave Geothermal Wood Organic Waste Biomass Reformer Electric Power Plant Generator Electric Power Plant Electrolyzer Hydrogen Reformer Hydrogen can be produced from diverse feedstock and is typically produced from natural gas.

8 07/26/2010 8 On-Site Reformer/Purification unit Compression Gaseous Storage Dispenser On-Site Electrolysis unit Compression Gaseous Storage Dispenser Off site hydrogen production delivered by tanker (liquid) into onsite liquid storage Vaporization/ Compression Gaseous Storage Dispenser Typical Hydrogen Station Infrastructure Options Off site hydrogen production delivered by tube trailer (compressed gas) Compression Gaseous Storage Dispenser Liquid Storage On-Site Production Off-Site Production

9 07/26/2010 Vehicle Readiness & Commercial Introduction 9 What needs to happen to progress from demonstrations to commercialization?

10 07/26/2010  Barriers/Pinch Points/Dependencies  Technology Lead Requirements / Recruiting Status  List of Reference Documents 10 TBDs

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