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Giving and Receiving Constructive Feedback

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1 Giving and Receiving Constructive Feedback
Path 2 Employment

2 Giving Feedback Path 2 Employment Be Clear Emphasize the positive
Be specific Be descriptive rather than evaluative (ex  “ Did you know you tapped your pen on the table all the time she spoke?” rather than “It was really irritating to hear you tapping on the table! “) Focus on behavior rather than the person. (ex “On a number of occasions you started speaking before she had finished”  rather than “You are clearly a bully who is totally uninterested in other people’s points of view” !) Acknowledge that all behavior can be changed. Own the feedback -- Use ‘I’ statements .  (ex  “I noticed” “I saw” “I heard”) Be very careful with advice Path 2 Employment

3 Receiving Feedback Path 2 Employment
Sometimes criticism is simply not true, Sometime it is true  Always try to separate out what is being said from how it is being said. At the end of the day, our own behavior is the only thing we can control.  If you are feeling angry or upset about being criticized, always give yourself time to calm down before responding or taking action.  Path 2 Employment

4 Keep in mind, however true and serious the criticism you receive is you as a person are more than just your behavior in that particular context. You can always choose to change your behavior, and you are more likely to do so if you can see negative feedback as an opportunity to improve. Path 2 Employment

5 Path 2 Employment

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