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Branded Websites. Branded Website Training Click the “Edit Pencil” to edit the website Enter in your iBoomerang username and password.

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Presentation on theme: "Branded Websites. Branded Website Training Click the “Edit Pencil” to edit the website Enter in your iBoomerang username and password."— Presentation transcript:

1 Branded Websites

2 Branded Website Training


4 Click the “Edit Pencil” to edit the website Enter in your iBoomerang username and password


6 First, you’ll want to make sure the information in the ‘my basic info’ area is up to date.

7 The ‘Email for Quotes’ field allows you to specify a separate email address to receive quote requests generated from your Branded Website. Your contact information will display on the “contact us” Page of your website.

8 If you have the iBoomerang Template Tool, you may integrate your quote requests into your Leads Control Panel by entering your “lead parser e-mail address” listed in your Leads Control Panel.

9  Click the 'Upload A Picture' link next to ‘My Picture:’  Click the 'Browse...' button and select an image from your computer.

10  Once all changes have been made in the 'My Basic Info' area, click the 'Save Changes' button at the bottom of the page. To view your changes, click the 'View My Website' quick link.

11 Website Info Area  Custom Quoting Engine – Your Branded Website is equipped with a quote request form. If you prefer to use an external quoting engine, select this option and enter the URL to your preferred quoting engine.

12 Website Theme Website Layout – Select between the website layouts provided to define the look of your Branded Website. Click a thumbnail to display a larger example of the layout.

13 Host individual or group sessions  Can send conference link by e-mail  Or invite guests to your site shortcut, or Web Conference URL  Individual session: Login as guest  Group session: Login using name and e-mail address Using the “Individual Link” type, your client will join the conference without having login This is SIMPLICITY !

14  Heading, Default font & Hyperlink Style Adjust the font, color, size and style of text on your Branded Website. Use the Preview box under each area to see how it will display.

15  Adding a License to your Website  Check the box next to the state(s) in which you are licensed.  Enter the license number.

16  Adding a Product  Find the appropriate Product Type for the product you wish to add (ex: “Health Insurance”).


18  Click on the “View My Website” link in the upper right hand corner of your website to see updates. Click on view my website to see updates

19 View your Website & Invite guests to login

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